Comparison of Universes.


SInce i am a sci fi buff i look at every movie, novel, games, and tv shows i can get my hand on. Here are some comparisons and thoughts i have about some shows and games.

Star Trek-Love it but they are ssssooooo nice to each other. I mean i hope confed never gets this soft. They always want to "explore" which is good but that goodie goodie atmosphere and politicaly correct atmosphere gets on my nerves. Their ship designs are getting better and i can't imagine how they won with their older ships. Not to say that they suck but they don't have that warship look on them. Hell the first dedicated warship was the defient. The rest were just originaly explorers and the like.

Babylon 5-Love it too. COmpared to star trek B-5 is pessimestic at best. Earth is the bad guy and all that kinda disturbed me and i think i would still fight for earth even if it was under clark (blind patriotism, couldn't dream of fighting against my howme planet). I like the ships i.e. the omega class "destoryers". But earth is kinda too low on the food chain for my taste.

WINg commander-i find that wing commander has the perfect balance of sinister government and a noble government. THe ships are the best and i love the carrier designs and I love the description of the alein races. The kilrathi are cool but i still think that we were still too soft on them.
They shouldn't those are valid points but for the Star Trek angle, in the 1960's they couldn't do much more than they did and Like DS9 the entire last few seasons were a WAR, that has quite a bit of fun in it. I too find WC the best of them all because it includes a more realistic look to the future, Confed being not a perfect gov but also not a horrid one, and their being people who are reluctant warriors but still fight when necessary (ie people like blair and panther). Plus the Kilrathi at least are reletivly well developed as a race, but they remind me alot of a cross between star trek's klingons and star wars' empire, honor/duty bound with domination and conquest being all they could do. but they weren't really evil, they were just following their natural instincts.
Babylon 5 is great! That series, while less of a phenomenon, had more consistency and a better overall plot. The ship designs are also very cool. As far as I'm concerned, it's as good as Wing Commander.
Truthfully, I have never been able to start watching them, I always want to but I feel I have to start at the begining and I never know when that is so occationally I catch 2 minutes on the SCiFi channel but thats it.
They're near the end of the fourth season right now. They should finish the series in about four weeks. Hopefully, they'll loop back to the beginning and show the series again. I think they will. It seems to be getting a positive response. :)
It's getting such a good response that SCIFI is in talks with JMS for a new series or movie as well as Crusade reruns. B5 is actually far from pessimestic if you really look at it. Hope survives. And DS9's war was nothing but a pathetic rip off from Babylon 5 because they were taking too much market share.
And DS9's war was nothing but a pathetic rip off from Babylon 5 because they were taking too much market share.
As far as I'm concerned, it's as good as Wing Commander.

These, people, are perfect examples of the things you're not supposed to say.
Why do you say that, Quarto? Sure, it's going across universe lines, but there's nothing controversial or threatening to another person's views.

Looking back at my post, I can see that it was a bit confusing. I wasn't suggesting, however, that one or the other is a better product. I certainly didn't intend for any discussion like that to start. I was just expressing how much of an impact Babylon 5 and Wing Commander have had on my life. That's why I said "As far as I'm concerned..." I thought everyone deserved to know why I liked it so much.
Quatro is saying that becuase they cause the Flames that are prohibited in the rules, because then you will get people arguing back and forth like I am inclined to do, because I find the DS9-B5 comment offencive since it was the creators idea since they began the show in 1992 to have a war with the people on the other side of the wormhole to make something different and present a long story arc, something that the other treks hadn't done. But never mind that, lets just not argue any of this becuase it will lead to bad things.
Oh, I know you didn't mean anything by it, but there's always a danger that somebody might misunderstand you.