

Ok, here's a question. What's the possiblity of cloaking on later model ships like the Vamp and the next SSF Confed produces? I mean, with the new Nep. threat, Cloaking would certainly be an advantage. And I don't mean Pliers style cloaking, I mean Dragon/Lance style, screw those untimely crystals. I need to know for my story I'm writing.

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
I might be right, I might be wrong, but then again, I just might not care either. Got a problem with that?--Me.
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Knight said:
Ok, here's a question. What's the possiblity of cloaking on later model ships like the Vamp and the next SSF Confed produces? I mean, with the new Nep. threat, Cloaking would certainly be an advantage. And I don't mean Pliers style cloaking, I mean Dragon/Lance style, screw those untimely crystals. I need to know for my story I'm writing.

That depends on the strain (energy requirement) of the device on the ship's power plant. You could compare that to the Excalibur's inability to afterburn just after coming out of cloak and delivering the T-bomb. There are trade-offs.
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It's a bit hard to tell. On the one hand, there seems to be no reason why this wouldn't be possible. But on the other hand, there must be reasons why they don't already have cloaks. Either they're way too expensive (the Strakha was also a very rare ship - I don't think there was even 100 up to the end of WC2), or the Vampire can't handle them.
Also, it is a bit uncertain if the Nephilem are fooled by cloaks. As the WCP manual notes, a number of scouting attempts (presumably using cloak-capable Excals) in the Kilrah System failed miserably. At the same time, there could've been other reasons for that. Who knows?

Also, I do believe that all cloaks use those crystals - it's just that the Dragon somehow used them more efficiently.
Also, there might be something about as the mass off the ship increases, the energy required to cloak increases in the same proportion squared... would make it difficult to make a heavy/superfighter with cloak. Strakhas were VERY light (even the later models that didnt die with 2 MD hits...) and the Dragon had infinite amounts of power. Am I right about that detail or am I thinking about something else?
Quarto said:
As the WCP manual notes, a number of scouting attempts (presumably using cloak-capable Excals) in the Kilrah System failed miserably. At the same time, there could've been other reasons for that. Who knows?

Well, As far as I know Quarto, the only mission that was successful in the Nep. Recon missions was the one that was cloaked. It didn't say they all used cloak-capable Excals. Why would you send in cloaked ships and waste the resources when you can send in fighters made for scouting like the Pirranah or Arrow (if they're still around at the time...)

I'd also lay my money down on the bet that cloaks work the same on the Neps as they do on the kats or Confed.

Chernikov said:
Also, there might be something about as the mass off the ship increases, the energy required to cloak increases in the same proportion squared... would make it difficult to make a heavy/superfighter with cloak. Strakhas were VERY light (even the later models that didnt die with 2 MD hits...) and the Dragon had infinite amounts of power. Am I right about that detail or am I thinking about something else?

I can see that. But the ship I'm designing for the story is a superfighter (I know, and I don't want to hear it), with a M/aM powerplant, like the Dragon. But what I'm getting at is would Confed pull files on the Dragon (you know they took one apart piece by piece and logged every bit of it) and use it's style of cloaking for their ships?

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
I might be right, I might be wrong, but then again, I just might not care either. Got a problem with that?--Me.
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If youre going to build an insanely-difficult-to-kill superfighter, put out a new type of cloaking tech, maybe based on the dragon's, that is "modified to evade BL and Neph detection technology". In other words, it helps if they arent able to see you on radar but if I can eyeball you cloaked I can sure as hell kill you...

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
Well, if it's going to be a superfighter, then why even bother asking? Just give it whatever cloak you want (and don't forget the miniature Phase Transit Cannon).

The Excal was specially modified for scouting. Why waste resources dispatching Pirannahs and or Arrows into an enemy-controlled system when you can send in a cloaked fighter?

There is no real reason why the Nephs would see through cloaks, but keep in mind that they are a very much different species, so it's always a possibility.

But to answer your question, yes, Confed would use the Dragon's cloak.
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Yes, Something like the Romullan Warbird or Klingon T34s? for full impact.

Stealth is the key to critical situation evaluation, unfortunately it tends to turn a series into a ho-hum.

Knight: Churn out the story and visualize it. If you'll be posting it, I'll read it just the same.
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Here's the stats for the ship I'm working on. Quarto, remember the Knightfall that was in my stories? Here's the stats for it. I haven't got a pic modeled yet, but I AM working on that. The other ships and items mentioned that sound strange in that list of specs should be on that page someplace.

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
I might be right, I might be wrong, but then again, I just might not care either. Got a problem with that?--Me.
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Ah, so it is a superfighter.

I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I'm sorry, but I absolutely can't stand superfighters or supercapships, and that page contains both.
Quarto said:
Ah, so it is a superfighter.

I don't like it. I don't like it at all. I'm sorry, but I absolutely can't stand superfighters or supercapships, and that page contains both.

Quarto: Give the guy a break! Those stats are nothing, if those ships are not deployed right. Thrakath's RV came to waste in WC3, because Blair beat them to the punch.

Knight: How come both ships are Zeus Class? Normally, each type of ship has its own as in: Ranger Class - TCS Victory & Waterloo Class - TCS Gettysburg

[This message has been edited by JoeyRP (edited July 04, 2000).]
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In short, no. I won't give him a break. Ever since Cmdr_X's Concordia II story, I still get nightmares at the very mention of super-anything.
That story emotionally scarred me for life
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Quarto: When their numbers grow, they would cease to be super anything. Weapons are upgraded, too! It did'nt take long for the kitties to find a solution to phase shields. Look at the shield and armor ratings from WC1 to WC3. Put some of those in WC1 and war's over in no time. Necessity is the mother of all inventions... (other than accidents) eg. T-Bomb for Kilrah against the looming massive invasion led by Thrak.
But none of those things were super anything. And if I put WC3 armour values into WC1, a Gratha could still take on a Hellcat, and have a chance. The change of scale is nothing but an accident, as far as I'm concerned.
JoeyRP said:
Knight: How come both ships are Zeus Class? Normally, each type of ship has its own as in: Ranger Class - TCS Victory & Waterloo Class - TCS Gettysburg

[This message has been edited by JoeyRP (edited July 04, 2000).]

I didn't do the stats for the carriers, that's the job of the club head. There's all sorts of info on the site about it, and the fiction is pretty good too. But alas, I resigned from it, for personal matters.

And Quarto, this ship's coming into play 2 years AFTER the Bugs appeared. Don't you think Confed would've had time to play with the tech a little bit and come up wiht some new stuff?

HTML Assistant: WC Space Command
Administrator: UBW 5th Fleet
Member of the LMG and hating it (Disgruntled Man)
I might be right, I might be wrong, but then again, I just might not care either. Got a problem with that?--Me.
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Not when they're having enough trouble with their budget as it is.

At this point, you could of course assume that the appearance of the bugs will make it easier for the Military to secure a bigger budget. However, this assumption would be false. The Populist Party would undoubtedly argue that Confed's quick and successful action shows that military spending can be cut even further.
Quarto said:
Not when they're having enough trouble with their budget as it is.

At this point, you could of course assume that the appearance of the bugs will make it easier for the Military to secure a bigger budget. However, this assumption would be false. The Populist Party would undoubtedly argue that Confed's quick and successful action shows that military spending can be cut even further.

It still depends on who's running the show at Confed. A guy near the border is far more paranoid, than those leaving in Sol. So, it boils down to - Who's gonna foot the bill?

[This message has been edited by JoeyRP (edited July 07, 2000).]
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Mais oui, that is the whole point. The guys living out on the frontier may want better ships - but it's the guys in Sol running it.