CIS Headquarters, Special Ops. Div. (July 15, 2001)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
We have detected a large convoy of cargo ships, which we have been tracking since they left Anhur, and look as though they are on their way to Karatikus (Nav Point #0). We would like a neutral pilot to go and ID the ships, as it is not in our best interests to fly so close to a pirate convoy. If you discover any of the ships to be carrying illegal goods, they must be destroyed before they reach Karatikus. Do not kill the innocent passenger ships, and be sure to keep an eye out for escorts. The convoy was last seen at Nat Point #25. If any pirates try to escape in space-suits, capture them and take them to the CIS destroyer off Hades, for questioning.

Original update published on July 15, 2001
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