Chronological order of books

Cmdr_X said:
WCM can't possibly be in the same continuity as the game/novels for several reasons:
Please, don't start this again. We all know that the movie contradicts in some places. Neverthelss, it's the same universe.

BTW, nice comeback. You're away for few months, and your first post when you come back is about this.

****(That and this Blair didn't embarrass Gilkarg nar Kiranka...)****

What the hell are you talking about?

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited April 27, 2000).]
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what about end run?
doesn't that set in wc2?

i could be soo wrong since i really know Nothing about this book

When I'm in the air...
I'm indestructible.
No one can stop me...
But they try.
Realy WC fans support the WCSCRP

[This message has been edited by Twister (edited April 28, 2000).]
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Dash it, there's something stupid in the water again.

"1) Blair is NOT a Pilgrim in the games and novels"

I don't believe that Blair's religion is *ever* stated in any of the games and novels. If you can find one place where it is, I will gladly concede this point.

"2) according to WC1 game, Blair met Maniac on the Claw"

I simply need refer to the Ultimate Strategy Guide to Wing Commander I & II or the TV series Wing Commander Academy to disprove this idiocy. I further support this claim wht the comments about Maniac & Blair at the ACademy in the Heart of the Tiger Novel and Prophecy's ICIS manual. Please play again.

"3) BLAIR was the best pilot in the Academy, NOT Maniac(according to the WC1 manuel and WC3)"

The WC1 manual says absolutely nothing about Blair -- it only notes that *MANIAC* is one of the top scoring pilots of the newest Academy class. Furthermore, Wing Commander 3 says nothing about Blair & Maniac's academy rankings... the WC1/2 Guide and the Prophecy Guide, however, both specifically note that Maniac placed highest.

"4) Paladin is NOT French, he's Scottish."

If you will refer to your Price of Freedom Novel, you will find that Paladin's accent (be it French, Scottish or both) is fake, a result of his position as spy. Furthermore, the Wing Commander Movie novel specifically notes his correct origins.

"5) Angel is NOT Bristish, she's French(TECHNICALLY, she's Belgian, but she's got a FRENCH accent)"

Angel is not British in the movie, either -- rather, she follows the grand tradition of having a British actress play a French person (Jean-Luc Picard, anyone?). The movie novel correctly notes her Belgian origins.

"6) The WC1-4 cats don't look like shaved rats"

The Wing Commander 1 cats don't look like the Wing Commander 3 cats which don't look like the Wing Commander 4 cats. Differences in how the Kilrathi are protrayed are a constant, not an irregularity. Think of it as different actors playing the same character in any common play.

"7) In the games, Colonel Haclyon was the CAG/WC. In the movie, it was Angel."

As Pilgrim Stars rather implicitly states, Angel is the commander of *one* of the Tiger's Claw's squadrons -- she is *not* the Wing Commander.

"8) In WC1, All the wingman were alive. IN the movie...Bossman was ALREADY dead...a month before he flew with Blair in WC1game...."

The ultimate evidence that he survived.

"9) BROADSWORDS didn't come until the WC TWO era...yet the movie specifically calls the bombers BROADSWORDS. That and the Kats didn't have the Skipper missile until WC3."

Broadswords have appeared earliest in the 2653 Wing Commander Academy TV series, a full year before the movie. There is absolutely nothing in WC2 which states that the Broadsword is 'new'... in fact, I believe that the variant we fly in WC2 is the 'D'.

"Plus, the post-movie novels show that Blair isn't MAVERICK anymore...he's 'Pilgrim'. "

Don't pass judgement on this until you read the next novel.

"Hence, Chris "Heart of the Tiger" Blair isn't the same Blair as Chris "I'm half-pilgrim, I can navigate pulsars" Blair. (That and this Blair didn't embarrass Gilkarg nar Kiranka...)"

The Wing Commander Movie takes place a full year before the events in SM1, boyo.
****1) Blair is NOT a Pilgrim in the games and novels"

I don't believe that Blair's religion is *ever* stated in any of the games and novels. If you can find one place where it is, I will gladly concede this point.****

Not to mention that him being a Pilgrim could explain why he’s always sent on missions that involve jumping somewhere by himself. A lot of that in WC2. Maybe CR even had plans on making the Pilgrims a part of the games.

****"3) BLAIR was the best pilot in the Academy, NOT Maniac(according to the WC1 manuel and WC3)"

The WC1 manual says absolutely nothing about Blair -- it only notes that *MANIAC* is one of the top scoring pilots of the newest Academy class. Furthermore, Wing Commander 3 says nothing about Blair & Maniac's academy rankings... the WC1/2 Guide and the Prophecy Guide, however, both specifically note that Maniac placed highest.****

Yup, the Confed handbook also has that. Maniacs GPA was higher, and some other scores too.

****"7) In the games, Colonel Haclyon was the CAG/WC. In the movie, it was Angel."

As Pilgrim Stars rather implicitly states, Angel is the commander of *one* of the Tiger's Claw's squadrons -- she is *not* the Wing Commander.****

Yup, it’s also in the Confed handbook.

****"8) In WC1, All the wingman were alive. IN the movie...Bossman was ALREADY dead...a month before he flew with Blair in WC1game...."

The ultimate evidence that he survived.****

Yeah, I just hope that Telep will explain in PT how he survived.
Refer to the WC3 novel: Blair graduated top of his class...Maniac BARELY squeaked by...

You guys say Novels are game canon, yet now you're CONTRIDICTING the novels with your statements....

Plus, the whole Pilgrim thing was created by the MK script guy.(I believe LOAF was the one who stated THAT.) That and in the games jump points are NOT pulsars...just wormholes that require a certain energy field to open them.
3) BLAIR was the best pilot in the Academy, NOT Maniac(according to the WC1 manuel and WC3)
Blair's grades were not good the first year at the Academy if I'm not mistaken, he might have even been close to being kicked out. I'm not sure, but I think it wasn't until his second year that he really applied himself. Average out Maniac's scores versus Blair's and it should be easy to have Maniac slightly higher cumulatively.

9) BROADSWORDS didn't come until the WC TWO era...yet the movie specifically calls the bombers BROADSWORDS. That and the Kats didn't have the Skipper missile until WC3.
A common error. In the Academy series we see Broadswords in moderate use, the second of two shows I saw, I even saw an Arrow. That was two shows. There were Grikaths, and who knows what else.

The Skipper is another matter, I never saw cloaking missiles that early, but the Kilrathi did have cloaking technology while the 'Claw was around so maybe they did fit a device on some of the old capship missiles. Just because we don't see capship missiles in use that early in the games doesn't mean they aren't used by the cats or leaf-eaters.

My own humble site, this link works
A fan's way to preserve Wing Commander's future

[This message has been edited by Death's Head (edited April 28, 2000).]
Cmdr_X said:
Refer to the WC3 novel: Blair graduated top of his class...Maniac BARELY squeaked by...
I don't feel like reading through the whole book. Point out the page.

****You guys say Novels are game canon, yet now you're CONTRIDICTING the novels with your statements....****

There is no game canon. There is WC canon, and the novels count as canon as long as they don't contradict with the games.

****Plus, the whole Pilgrim thing was created by the MK script guy.(I believe LOAF was the one who stated THAT.) That and in the games jump points are NOT pulsars...just wormholes that require a certain energy field to open them.****

There certainly are *special jump points* in the games like the Pulsars or Quasars from the movie, plus those have normal jump points too. And that Blair-half Pilgrim certaily does fits in.
Kalkrath II said:
10) Maniac and Blair are good friends in the movie. They hated each other in the game.

Oh, come one Kalk. They somewhat hated each other in WC3, which could be explained by the situation of the war. Blair and Maniac were always competing with each other, but they always were good friends as seen in WC1/WC2/WC4(game/novel)/WCP/WCA TV.
Earthworm: See page 22, last Paragraph. "he barely squeaked by graduation, where as BLAIR earned honors." Also see page 24 for a comment from Blair: "That's right. We both do. And that's what's been eating you ever since the Academy."

That should help...-_-


"The only good Snake is a dead Snake."
Major Mark "Psycho" Colreth
Cmdr_X said:
Earthworm: See page 22, last Paragraph. "he barely squeaked by graduation, where as BLAIR earned honors."
And don't you think that stands for something else? Like Maniac behaving like an asshole on ocasions (mostly in the cockpit. Taking unnecesary risks all the time), and nearly geting himself thrown out of academy? Maniac did have higher scores than Blair, and he was an equaly if not better pilot.

Also see page 24 for a comment from Blair: "That's right. We both do. And that's what's been eating you ever since the Academy."
But.... that.... doesn't... stand for anything. They're talking about who's the better pilot. And as always, Blair is making fun of Maniac.

****That should help...-_-****

Nope, it doesn't.

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited April 29, 2000).]
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Earthworm said:
There certainly are *special jump points* in the games like the Pulsars or Quasars from the movie, plus those have normal jump points too. And that Blair-half Pilgrim certaily does fits in.

For an in-game example of 'non-normal' jump points, there's the black hole in Enigma that makes jumping across the entire sector (or large parts thereof... I forget) possible. (WC2)

Also, there's the "mini jumps" in the Firekka system (WC:SM2), though the details of that particular situation escape me at this point.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild

[This message has been edited by Death (edited April 29, 2000).]
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The mini-jumps in Firekka are explained in Freedom Flight as pretty much normal jump points. The unusual thing is simply that there's so many of them in one system, and they're linked to other jump points insystem rather than outsystem.

As for Enigma, those would also seem to be normal jump points; it's just that they're near a black hole, so they naturally have a greater gravitational pull behind them, which allows them to link up with systems further away. Note that WC2's "jumping across the entire sector" is represented on WCP's map just like any other jump points are.
Quarto said:
As for Enigma, those would also seem to be normal jump points; it's just that they're near a black hole, so they naturally have a greater gravitational pull behind them, which allows them to link up with systems further away.
He he, but that's basicly what the special jump points in the movie are.
Standard jump points that are locakted near an anomaly in space, like a quasar, and in the movie novels, sometimes a black hole.
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You will notice, Earthworm, that I specifically stayed away from any Movie references in my post, neither agreeing nor disagreeing
. Because I've already long ago established my opinion about the Movie's relationship (or perhaps lack thereof) with the Games, I choose to stay neutral in this debate. I was merely seeking to explain the Enigma and Firekka phenomena (phenomenae?).
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Good for you, nevertheless, what you explained about the Enigma is what we witness in the movie.

BTW, isn't it late in Ausi right now?
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Yeah, I imagine it is
. 0350, to be precise. Except that right now, I'm Macau (China), and it's only 0153 out here
. Mind you, I'll be going to sleep real soon now... <thunk> whaa? Uh... I should probably get to bed now.
Just one or two more posts...
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China? WTF? Are you going around the world or something?
You like traveling so much?
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