chat zone

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Come on guys, this colour scheme is terrible!

Can you just imagine races such as the Kilrathi laughing at our colour scheme? They'd laugh at this sad attempt at 'political correctness'!
Hey what's wrong with it? The CZ logo actually doesn't look bad like this, though that top bar is a little too hot pink. Maybe it should be a little pale-er. Change is always a good thing, and for those guys who think it's girly, A: Are you really worried about your masculinity so much that a pink site offends you, and B: at least there aren't cute kittens, horses, and rainbows all over the place.
Oh my, I think it would be a good idea to play a MIDI of Aerosmith's PINK song at the main CZ page!


(wheres my welding goggles!) :)
*We* should lay off the recreational drugs:)? *We're* not the ones seeing fuzzy kittens and snowmen...:)
I still think a MIDI of Aerosmith's PINK song would fit in nicely! Maybe some birds chirping and flowers growing to add to the Spring ding! :)

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
*We* should lay off the recreational drugs? *We're* not the ones seeing fuzzy kittens and snowmen...
AHA LOAF! You gave yourself away: no one mentioned fuzzy kittens and snowmen yet... :p

BTW, I'm quite disappointed at the Colonel rank... I thought that the rank Blair spent most of his career as, should have been given to an animal more... er.. "noble" let's say... like I don't know... a TIGER??? ;) (cf WC III)
Obviously you don't understand what a noble creature the Panda is. The World Wildlife Fund is currently on their way over to beat the shit out of you.

Originally posted by TC
Obviously you don't understand what a noble creature the Panda is. The World Wildlife Fund is currently on their way over to beat the shit out of you.


Yeah, the WWF is bad ass. They'll send like, Stone Cold over. You don't wanna mess with that. He'll like, piledrive you and stuff..

oh wait, the OTHER WWF..err...nevermind
And THAT, my good people, is why I bothered to spell it out rather than abbreviate it. Apparantly that wasn't enough.

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