CCG Trades?


Howdy, y'all.

So this past week I received a 12-pack of starter decks from the CCG - 6 Confed and 6 Cat. After sifting through those decks this afternoon and adding the ones I didn't have to my collection, I'm still 61 cards short of a full set. That's about 80% - not bad overall but I'm still wondering if filling out the set will be something I ever get to do.

It occurred to me that I might want to check with all y'all to see if there is any kind of CCG exchange list on the forum (or if there ever was anything of the sort). I can begin by listing off the cards I still need, assuming this is a new thing and assuming there's sufficient interest among the folks still here. Figured I'd ask first though.
This past weekend's acquisitions. Picking up Eisen and a Bloodfang was pretty nice, but I'm probably most stoked about Mr. Kat...


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Cards I'm still looking for are as follows:

(5) Pilots: Angel, Hard-Luck, Hobbes, Maniac, Vagabond
(1) Arrow Elite: Sea King Squadron
(3) Battle Damage: Accidentally Shoot Wingman, Fuel Rupture, Tail Shot Off
(2) Crew: Admiral Geoff Tolwyn, Chief Tech Rachel Coriolis
(4) Excalibur: Gallahad Squadron, Gawain Squadron, Lancelot Squadron, Merlin Squadron
(3) Hellcat Elite: Alphonzo's Raiders Squadron, Valkyrie Squadron, Zombie Wold Squadron
(1) Longbow Elite: Black Widow Squadron
(5) Luck: Shift in Battle, Show Trial, Summons from Kilrah, Well-Placed Hit, Zu'kara
(3) Maneuver: Maniac Solution, Ram!, Rock & Roll
(2) Modifiers: Pulsar Snarls Communications, TCS Coventry
(1) Award: Gold Star
(1) Secret Orders: Spaceborne Warning and Control
(1) Thunderbolt Elite: Tsunami Squadron
(1) Weapon System: Tachyon Gun

(2) Battle Damage: Hit by own Heat Seeker!, Stabilizer Destroyed
(2) Crew: Baron Melek, Xilerks "Nikodaemus" Ki'ra
(1) Drakhai Darket: Favored by Sivar Squadron
(1) Drakhai Dralthi IV: Kabaka Warrior Squadron
(1) Drakhai Vaktoth: Deathfang's Warmates Squadron
(1) Dralthi IV: Rage of Sivar Squadron
(4) Luck: Power of the Emperor, Shift in Battle, TNS Publicity Tour, Too Much Fire Liquor
(3) Maneuver: Changing Prey, Ram!, The Glorious Hunt
(3) Modifier: Asteroid Field, Cruiser Shal'kuz Mang, Pulsar Snarls Communications
(2) Pilot Award: Icon of Glory, Icon of Sivar
(1) Prince Thrakhath, Heir to the Kilrathi Throne
(1) Secret Orders: Fighter Recon
(1) Sorthak: Unrepentant Rage Squadron
(2) Strakha: Dark Inquisitor Squadron, Hidden Dagger Squadron
(2) Weapon Systems: Reaper Cannon, Skipper Missile

Mostly rares but a few uncommons in the mix there. Not totally unexpected, right?

As for what I might have in trade, I have yet to compile that part of the list.
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Hey, I have about 1600 cards at my house. I have been planning on sorting them for a couple of years. I am sure we can work out a trade. I will let you know if I have any of your want list and write up a needs list by the end of the week.
I will finish my sorting tonight. I am 2/3rds of the way through the set and missing 3 cards. I have a number of rares that you are looking for as extras. I will post final details tomorrow.
After you guys work out what you need/trade, I can also do a front page post and potentially bring in more people. I'm very glad you're doing this! I also have a number of cards to potentially trade, but it's always a challenge to find time to dig them out and send, of course. :)
Ok, here is my Wants List for Terran and Kilrathi.

Wants: (Terran) (3)

Nebula - Modifier
TCS Sheffield - Modifier
Angel - Pilot

Wants: (Kilrathi) (6)

Drakhai Vakoth - Sivars Honored H'rai Squadron
Hit By Own Heat Seeker - Battle Damage
TNS Publicity Tour - Luck
Cruiser Shal'Kuz Mang - Modifier
Sivar's Glory - Pilot Award
Weapon System - Skipper Missile

I am just going to post all of my extra rares. I expect I have a ton of extras of most commons and uncommons.

Haves: (Terran)

Battle Damage:
Hit by own Heatseeker! (4)
Tail Shot Off

Maniac Solution

Pulsar Snarls Communications
TCS Coventry
TCS Agincourt (2)

Pilot Award:
Gold Star (2)
Terran Medal of Honor

Secret Orders:
Mission: Capture Fighter (2)

Arrow Elite - Speed Demon Squadron
Excalibur - Galahad Squadron (2)
Excalibur - Gawain Squadron (2)
Excalibur - Lancelot Squadron
Excalibur - Merlin Squadron (3)
Hellcat V Elite - Valkyrie Squadron (2)
Hellcat V Elite - Zombie Wolf Squadron
Longbow Elite - Black Widow Squadron
Longbow Elite - Fire Dagger Squadron (3)
Thunderbolt VII Elite - Death Merchant Squadron (2)
Thunderbolt VII Elite - Tsunami Squadron

Haves: (Kilrathi)

Change The Hunting Ground
Going Ape (2)
The Glorious Hunt

Asteroid Field (2)
Destroyer Bordrav (4)
Destroyer Trak'Hmar
Minefield (2)
Pulsar Snarls Communications

Pilot Award:
Icon of Glory

Secret Orders:
Mission: Capture Fighter (2)

Drakhai Darket - Favored By Sivar Squadron (2)
Drakhai Dralthi IV - Atomic Claw Squadron
Drakhai Dralthi IV - Kabaka Warrior Squadron
Drakhai Paktahn - Throat Ripper Squadron (3)
Drahhai Paktahn - Righteous Vengeance Squadron
Drakhai Vaktoth - Deathwing's Warmates Squadron
Strakha - Dark Inquisitor Squadron
Strakha - Enslaver of Races Squadron
Strakha - Hidden Dagger Squadron (2)
Strakha - Silent Doom Squadron (2)
Strakha - Unrelenting War Squadron

Weapon System:
Reaper Cannon
Taking advantage of the quarantine to take care of a few things. Finished going through my Kilrathi cards this afternoon; plan is to finish going through the Terran ones tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don't have a spare copy of Sivar's Honored H'rai Squadron to trade and the rest of the ones on your wants list are also on mine. Hopefully I'll have more luck with the Terran decks.

EDIT: No joy on the Terrans either; I don't have an Angel and no spares of the other two. I'll go ahead and post what I've got of extra Rares and Uncommons later today.
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Alright, here are my extra haves of Rares and Uncommons:

Battle Damage: Accidentally Shoot Wingman
Battle Damage: Maneuvering Thruster Destroyed
Battle Damage: Smashed Windscreen
Battle Damage: Tail Shot Off
Darket: Fireclaw's Avenger Squadron
Dralthi IV: Khantahr's Snarl Squadron
Luck: Blooms of the Birha Tree
Luck: Malf!
Luck: Show Trial
Luck: Well-placed Hit
Maneuver: The Savage Feast
Modifier: Destroyer Bordrav
Paktahn: Bloodmist's Loyal Squadron
Paktahn: Storm Bringer Squadron
Secret Orders: Capture Transport
Secret Orders: Spaceborne Warning & Control
Vaktoth: Fire-Eater Squadron

Arrow: Crimson Knight Squadron
Arrow: Fireball Squadron
Battle Damage: Communications Link Down
Battle Damage: Main Guns Damaged
Battle Damage: Smashed Windscreen
Hellcat V: Blue Meanie Squadron
Hellcat V: Red Ranger Squadron
Longbow: Air Mogul Squadron
Longbow: Angelheart Squadron
Longbow: Monarch Squadron
Longbow: Sky Demon Squadron
Luck: Intel Inside
Luck: Malf!
Luck: Skillful Use Missile Decoys
Luck: Traitor!
Maneuver: Assault the Carrier!
Maneuver: Fish-hook
Maneuver: Furball Fever
Maneuver: Heck Outa Dodge
Maneuver: Shake, Rattle & Roll
Maneuver: Turn-'n- Spin
Modifier: Transport
Pilot: Cobra
Pilot: Flash
Pilot: Flint
Pilot: Paladin
Pilot: Vaquero
Pilot Award: Silver Star
Secret Orders: Capture Transport
Secret Orders: Defend Listening Post
Secret Orders: Fighter Recon
Thunderbolt VII: Dragon Master Squadron
Thunderbolt VII: Earth Shaker Squadron
Thunderbolt VII: Hadrian's Hammers Squadron
Thunderbolt VII: Mud Shark Squadron
Thunderbolt VII: Storm Lord Squadron
Hopefully in a month or two I will have cards back (living between houses right now) so I will post up a wants and haves list once I have them back.

Definitely some Kilrathi I am missing by memory.
There wasn't a German edition of the game, so they would get the game in the same places everyone else does - primarily eBay in the US.
Recently received nine booster packs and a Terran starter deck in the mail. Getting ready to go through them to see if I can any more to my collection. Afterwards, do y'all think I should edit my previous list or re-post the list to account for any new acquisitions?

EDIT: Got eight new Kilrathi acquisitions and nine Confed. Pics when I can post them. Some changes to my list of available trades too.
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Cool! I’d probably update the posted listing so there’s less chance of anyone looking at an outdated list.