
Which side has better, cooler capships.

  • Confed

    Votes: 25 80.6%
  • Kilrathi

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Nephilim

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
I have been reading all the threads the last couple of weeks and everyone is talking about perfect fighters, new fighters, who has better fighters, etc., etc.

Well how about capships. Which side has the coolest, better, most lethal capships. I think you get the idea. Lets here everyones opinion on this matter.
This is quite hard to decide, methinks. I'm must admit, I'm a 'bigger is better' type of person (at least with regards to capships!), but each faction has their own style.

Of course, the Kilrathi have the longest capship known in the WCU (AFAIK), but I think, for the most part, Confed and Kilrathi had similar design philosophies. ie corvettes, destroyers, frigates, cruisers, carriers, etc were all alike in function and design, according to the respective species' style (at least in WC3).

Nephilim ships are slightly different - and massive, at least with what we have to compare with regular WCU capships. They seem to have a 7-point design philosophy, but other than that, are analogous to the Confed and Kilrathi ships (barring the Kraken ship killer, of course).

I think it might be interesting to know what sort of capships the Steltek would have used. Someone made a 'Mediator'-class carrier based (I assume) on the derelict base in Delta Prime. Looked quite devastating, especially given the Steltek's technological superiority. Fortunately, they don't seem inclined to use so much force (at least for the moment).

I'm rambling, these are just my (spur-of-the-moment) thoughts.
I think there is nothing in sheer combat ability that can even come close to a Vesuvius Dreadnaught. I mean all those heavy turrets, those 400+ craft, and the great handling for a ship her size. I was amazed how large they are when I first flew against them, and always hated seeing a great ship like that just turning to a fireball. They don't build like that anymore, I would take the Vesuvius over the Midway anyday.
Well, for sheer lethality, it would be hard to beat that 22 kilometre dreadnaught the Kilrathi had. In False Colors, it was estimated that it would probably take the bulk of Confleet gatherred together in one place to put a stop to it. Also, the Hakagas were significantly more lethal than anything except the Vesuvius class (and probably had better launch speed and damage resistance with those multiple bays and armour belts.) They certainly outlasses anything Confed had during the war. On the whole, I would probably have to rate the Kilrathi as having the more lethal ships.

PS: Regarding your point about hating seeing the Vesuvius turn into a fireball, I hated killing Confed capships in WC4, to be honest, and tried to keep the number as low as possible. The Confeds weren't truly the bad guys, they were being manipulated by the Black Lance. War's a cast iron bitch, though, and you sometimes have to do those kind of things.

Best, Raptor
That's a really tough choice for me. Between the two of them, I have a hard time choosing between the Kilrathi, and Confed. I loved the strength of the Kilrathi ships, whether dreadnaught, or Hakaga class carrier, however, I also loved the idea of the quick strike cruiser, as well as the Vessuvius.

I really can't chose sides on this one, I'm afraid. As I just can't make up my mind. :) Maybe I'll come back and vote after I see everyone else's opinions, it may sway me one way or another.

(As a side note, I also would have loved to have seen what the Steltek might have had in the ways of capships, etc.)
I have to agree that the Kilrathi Carriers were superior in both strength and cool design. THe only problem is with the design they had (everything at angles, edges, and points) gave them tremendous firepower to the front (the WC3 destroyer is the best example of that) but very little field of fire overall (all the angles and raised bulkheads made the need for more gun turrets). The confed capships, though more generic looking, had the more effecient design. The cap ships beign set in basically one plane allowed all the guns to fire in all directions, thereby giving more effecient use of force (much better for fighter defense as can be seen in any WC game :) ).
Another slight advantage of the Kilrathi design was that you could theoretically get a direct hit to the capship and blow off a section of the ship (one of the raised bulkhead structures) without damaging the core of the ship(takes a licking and keeps on coming). Confed capships with their planar design were highly susceptable to even a poorly placed missle/torp strike.

Overall for power and coolness, Kilrathi win out (I chose them in the poll). As for the best overall functional design, I'd have to go with confed.

Originally posted by Hooyah
I have not read False colors yet, can I get some more info on this 22kilometer dreadnaught? Thanks

It's the Kilrathi dreadnought from WC3.
Judging by paper stats I think the Nephilim have the best capships, since they've got the Fleet Plasma. In practice I'm going with Confed since Confed's done all the winning so far.
Blah, not Confed, more like Blair. ;)

Pity the Vesuvii weren't all that hot against the Nephilim, Hooyah. (And it's a carrier, not a dreadnought.)
Originally posted by Wedge009
Blah, not Confed, more like Blair. ;)

If by Blair you mean Casey... Blair *was* however, the best at being captured and later killed!

The Border Worlds! Look at all the problems the Evil I caused Confed and the Black Lances. :D

Actually I’d have to say the Kilrathi had the best Cap ships, with Confed in second.
Well, I think I'd have to agree with Viper's assessment........ although I prefer the Confed ships, the solid, utilitarian style has always been my favorite.

Although the fact that they all have exposed bridges does annoy me slightly. It just seems less than intelligent to stick your important command-type people way out where any slow-learner with a torpedo can blow them away with ease. That wasn't a problem thought, until prophecy, where the only way to take out a capship was destroy the engines and bridge. Ok, for game purposes, you need more than one thing to kill, but I always winced when I saw the Midway driving along with a shattered bridge. :p

*waves hi to BLOAF*
Originally posted by Viper61
I have to agree that the Kilrathi Carriers were superior in both strength and cool design. THe only problem is with the design they had (everything at angles, edges, and points) gave them tremendous firepower to the front (the WC3 destroyer is the best example of that) but very little field of fire overall (all the angles and raised bulkheads made the need for more gun turrets). The confed capships, though more generic looking, had the more effecient design. The cap ships beign set in basically one plane allowed all the guns to fire in all directions, thereby giving more effecient use of force (much better for fighter defense as can be seen in any WC game :) ).
Another slight advantage of the Kilrathi design was that you could theoretically get a direct hit to the capship and blow off a section of the ship (one of the raised bulkhead structures) without damaging the core of the ship(takes a licking and keeps on coming). Confed capships with their planar design were highly susceptable to even a poorly placed missle/torp strike.

Overall for power and coolness, Kilrathi win out (I chose them in the poll). As for the best overall functional design, I'd have to go with confed.


didn't the kilrathi design their ships like this (and with weaker rear armour) so that the captains would have to face the enemy?

I like the confed cap ships as they have the Plunkett, the best cruiser in space:cool:
Originally posted by Shrike
...the fact that they all have exposed bridges does annoy me slightly.
I think exposed bridges are for clear views around the ship, at least that's why they're like that in current day naval vessels, AFAIK. Of course, kamikazes took advantage of this, I believe...
When I started this thread I never stated my opinion on the matter. Wel now I will.

My favorite capship is the Plunkett cruisers. They may not necessarily be the best or most lethal, but I think they are just cool as hell. With all those guns sticking out it kinda looks like a porcupine. Also the four turrets with heavy plasma and particle cannons would ruin anyones day if they were unlucky enough to be at the receiving end of those gun barrels.

In general I think Confed had better ships. The way they were designed gave them an advantage over the Kilrathi. The turrets are spaced out evenly to provide maxium protection and to optimize each turrets field of fire. The angular design of the Kilrathi ships made for inadequate fields of fire for their turrets. If one or two turrets were destroyed there is the possiblity of an unprotected area of the ship. If a Confed ship loses a turret or two there are others which can cover those areas.
Originally posted by I'm thinkin...
...the four turrets with heavy plasma and particle cannons would ruin anyone's day...
Presumably there are other artillery ships dedicated to capship assaults, but those big guns are quite impressive. Unfortunately, the SO AI doesn't seem to realise that weaponry suited for capships aren't as good for point defence against fighters. Sometimes I end up on the receiving end of a volley of heavy particle shots.

Originally posted by I'm thinkin...
The angular design of the Kilrathi ships made for inadequate fields of fire for their turrets.
Barring their corvette, I'm sure many will testify to those ships having good fields of fire. :) Also Kilrathi and Confed transports seem to have pathetic gunners, while the Triton's gunners cause fits for torpedo bombers (at least for AI pilots anyway).
Originally posted by Wedge009
Barring their corvette, I'm sure many will testify to those ships having good fields of fire. :) Also Kilrathi and Confed transports seem to have pathetic gunners, while the Triton's gunners cause fits for torpedo bombers (at least for AI pilots anyway).

There were few things I hated more than running out of torpedos and having to rely on AI's in this situation. If I wasn't around to blast down those 2 turrets, I'll be damned if my wingmen could get a shot through. :rolleyes: Which means, of course, that you have to be everywhere at once. (Which seems to have some kind of physics negating property, I'm still working on breaking that. :D )