Can We Have A Sticky Thread For All Known Bugs?

OR, 'Fun With Tractor Beams'

A single thread reporting all known bugs in abbreviated form might help cut down on repeats. Or possibly a sub-category of this forum, with different threads for different types of bugs.

That being said, here are a few of the bugs I have noticed. Some of the more interesting were found after purchasing capital ships, so few people may have encountered them yet.

1. When piloting a large capacity ship (Kamekh or Paradigm), I found out by accident that it is possible to "Tractor" in a jump point. The point becomes boxed cargo, and stays as such when either sold or ejected, and the jump point does not regenerate after leaving the system and returning.

2. When buying the Kamekh or Paradigm, they come with some cargo freebies. I figure, okay, they were either left by the previous owners or were thrown in by the dealer as freebies. The Paradigm even comes with its own small squadron of assorted wingmen in the hold. Where I scratch my head is when I see that one of the ships in the cargo of your new Paradigm is... another Paradigm. Interesting use of spacial folding for cargo transport. Oddly, this second Paradigm can not be ejected like any of the other ships in the hold, but can be sold for the full price you paid, meaning not only do you get your current Paradigm for free, but you actually make money buy selling the cargo/ships that came in it.

3. Which reminds me of another useful feature: If you save your game, sell a piece of hardware, then respawn/reload, not only does your ship have the hardware back, but the station now has one for sale (the one you sold before respawning). This is useful for duplicating those especially rare items (Steltek guns), if you're not technically savvy enough to edit the .csv files. Not sure if this was an intentional feature to be used as such, but it seemed unlikely.

4. Back in my faithful Kamekh or Paradigm, I find that it's possible to get an easy win against the Droid by tractoring it in instead of shooting it. Not having played the original Privateer, I don't know if this was possible. If you're reasonably fast, you can do it to the Steltek Fighter, too. They make decent wingmen, if a bit slow. After combining this trick with the last one (okay, actually I edited the .csv), I've had an interesting few missions where I took out an opposing fleet by unleashing my own personal fleet of Droids and Steltek Fighters, and just sitting back and grinning. Take that, Oxford Demons! (Whoops, how did I get a Steltek Fighter before the Oxford missions? Something funny going on here...)

5. Actually, it's worth considering making all non-wingmen untractorable, as otherwise any enemy smaller than a capship is easily defeated by tractoring him when he gets too close. I considered using this as a legitimate way of making big cash, by selling off all the ships that tried to attack me, but it looks like most ships only have a default sale value of $10. (Something else that maybe needs corrected).

6. Finally, I seem to be having trouble with the Righteous Fire plotline. While doing missions for Desiree, I got to the one where she asks you to go undercover, but when I leave I find no mission objectives, and no "Active Mission" on the mission computer. Returning to the bar, Desiree has disappeared. I figured, "Well, I've already done all the Murphy missions, all the Goodin missions, all the Tayla missions, and most of Desiree's; so maybe it's okay to go back to Oxford now." However, when I go back to Oxford, Masterson gets all snooty again when I try to enter the Library without a Library card. I even tried reinstalling Privateer in case all my tinkering had screwed something up, and then copied over the "save" and "serialized xml" directories from my old game, but the same thing kept happening. Has anyone else gotten this far? Did my saved game just get corrupted somehow? I opened the game save file, and saw the value "access_to_library 1 2.000000", so I tried changing it to 1.000000 (No sight of Masterson, directly to library stacks), 0.000000 & 3.000000 (Masterson is still snooty). Anyone got any ideas.
3) is probably an outgrowth of the way the economics are handled - the "what goods are for sale and in what quantities" data appears to be generated at program runtime... neither saved when you save nor loaded when you load a save.

this leads to little exploits like the one you describe. plus things like "if perry doesn't have 4 tach cannons, save, quit to desktop, reload, try again." ... wonder if it could be used to bring rf-campaign stuff into the main campaign...
A bugs database (using bugzilla or flyspray or mantis or one of the many FOSS bugs databases) might be useful as well as more automated.
While doing missions for Desiree, I got to the one where she asks you to go undercover, but when I leave I find no mission objectives, and no "Active Mission" on the mission computer. Returning to the bar, Desiree has disappeared. I figured, "Well, I've already done all the Murphy missions, all the Goodin missions, all the Tayla missions, and most of Desiree's

No you haven't. The undercover mission is undercover; and, I figure, that's probably why you don't get it put into the computer. Just too sensitive. You just have to remember where to go (I forget now, just before J900). Maybe Telar. There's a pirate base, and you meet a woman that looks like Tayla's identical twin, but isn't, and she'll give you a mission, then not pay you, then you get back to desiree, then you go back to the pirate base, get a load of drugs to deliver somewhere, and you're supposed to dump them in J900, and you'd better be fast with ctrl-x/shift-x, then you do a couple more missions for desiree, then she puts you in touch with keydence, a military chick, who'll give you like 10 missions, then send you back for another set of missions with desiree, and you get a nice reward in the end, for a freakin change! ;-)
first of all, i second the sticky thingie :)

bugs (some have been mentioned elsewhere):
  • h-button should cycle through enemies, closest first
  • F9-button is messed up.
    *if you match speed with a target, that additional speed and the vector is always added to your speed and direction: centurion speed=500 + speed of target=300 -> new speed=800 if traveling in the same direction.
    *the matched speed is independent of your facing, enabling you to move backwards (-> problems with enemies)
  • lasers are too strong.
    * in the original game, it took quite some effort to destroy enemies with lasers only. also, because of this, dralthi are too strong. they are supposed to be fast and manoeuvrable at the expense of armament. currently however, they are a greater threat than gothris...
  • wingmen.
    *why is "merchant wingmen" almost always only a tarsus?
    *the AI is also a little buggy: 2 wingmen kept colliding with each other while moving to a jump-point until one exploded...
    * i haven't seen them kill or even distract a single enemy yet.
  • enemies.
    * there is a lot of impossible movement (backwards, horizontal, 180° turn at full speed without losing speed and/or changing facing (-> enemy doing F9?))
    * remarkable hitratio when chasing you (more than with autotracking+ITTS)...
    * why do so many pirate/retro talons have dual plasma? and why are they able to continuously fire them?
  • faction standing
    * i routinely become friended to pirates. this wouldn't be such a big problem, if mission objectives were marked hostile, regardless of your standing towards them. defending someone when the attackers ignore you (even when shooting at them) may be a little though...
  • docking.
    * you shouldn't be able to dock with ships your shooting at/are hostile with. (for the missions however, you must be able to dock at hotile bases (brilliance to New Constantinople/Hector))
  • autopilot.
    * autopilot must disengage when an enemy comes too close (some enemies 2k at my tail started shooting at me during the autopilot animation, ie i could see myself being shot at)
  • storyline missions.
    * wait until speech is over before attacking
    * no enemy-spawning 4k at your tail, shooting (weapons run for Lynch)
  • turrets.
    * while the turret AI is very nice addition to the original, it should be able to hit a talon 2k at your tail shooting at you (prioritize closest rear enemy?).
  • missiles and radar lock.
    * in the original, you could launch your FF at an enemy without facing him if you had a lock.
  • persistent enemies.
    * enemies following you through a jump-point is very nice, but the tracking should be a little more realistic (else, there wouldn't be any secret pirate bases) and they should stop once your standing to their faction changes (ie milita/confeds)
  • asteroids
    * i like the new asteroids but they should be a lot bigger and must be immobile (like in the privateer intro)

some final thoughts:
* i realize that AI is all but easy.
* for the game as a whole, i'm addicted as ever :)) great work.

edit: typo
edit2: clarification
The Destinee (not Desiree) missions are from a plotline that was not in the original Privateer. They have nothing to do with the RF plotline.
monkeyboy said:
  • enemies.
    * there is a lot of impossible movement (backwards, horizontal, 180° turn at full speed without losing speed and/or changing facing (-> enemy doing F9?))
    * remarkable hitratio when chasing you (more than with autotracking+ITTS)...
    * why do so many pirate/retro talons have dual plasma? and why are they able to continuously fire them?
We've talked about the issue of the AI many times on the board and there doesn't appear to be *any* cheating done by the AI.

  • autopilot.
    * autopilot must disengage when an enemy comes too close (some enemies 2k at my tail started shooting at me during the autopilot animation, ie i could see myself being shot at)
Autopilot currently requires that enemies are 10k away. How you managed to get enemies within shooting distance... (well, the animation does take some time, so if you are heading towards each other, then maybe).

  • asteroids
    * i like the new asteroids but they should be a lot bigger and must be immobile (like in the privateer intro)
Just out of curiosity... have you read any of the asteroid discussions?
We've talked about the issue of the AI many times on the board and there doesn't appear to be *any* cheating done by the AI.

1. i didnt say cheating, this thread is about bugs.
2. an enemy moving backwards away from me is *not* normal.

Autopilot currently requires that enemies are 10k away. How you managed to get enemies within shooting distance... (well, the animation does take some time, so if you are heading towards each other, then maybe).

1. it happens frequently (just some minutes ago, there was a Dralthi 2k at my tail, shooting).
2. the enemy is chasing me.

Just out of curiosity... have you read any of the asteroid discussions?

1. yes but if this is a listing, it should be part of it.
2. please do mind the second line of my original post.

also, i'm running version 1.00 on gentoo stable (kernel 2.6.10-gentoo-r6, vegastrike 0.4.1)
Wouldn't an enemy flying backwards, away from you - be one using the shelton slide.. a maneuver you can use yourself?

How is that cheating?

I agree though that autopilot sometimes drops you too close into the stack of enemy ships. I've had my shields down and getting hull damage by the time I even get oriented after the autop-animation.
Wouldn't an enemy flying backwards, away from you - be one using the shelton slide.. a maneuver you can use yourself?

but not if that same enemy was flying towards you a second ago. and i don't consider it cheating, it's a bug in the movement control (maybe because of the F9 thingie).
monkeyboy said:
  • missiles and radar lock.
    * in the original, you could launch your FF at an enemy without facing him if you had a lock.

if memory serves, in the original games, FF missiles didn't require anything. no lock, no target, no nothing. just kick them into space and let them fly.

of course, they do require a radar that can do IFF, but besides that...
if memory serves, in the original games, FF missiles didn't require anything. no lock, no target, no nothing. just kick them into space and let them fly.

you're probably right and what i said seems to make more sense as a IR specific thing that also worked for FFs.