Can someone PLZ help me


Ok, I'm hoping someone can help me.
I'm a little lost with getting WC3 and WC4 to work on my laptop. It seems like there are so many patches out there, its hard to know where to start.

I have Win XP Home running with a 2.2Ghz Pentium 4, 512Mb RAM, 16x DVD/52x CD-ROM drive(I think) and 64Mb GeForce 4 graphics card. I'm not sure about my sound card. Is it possible to get Wing 3 and 4 running on my system, and if so, how do I go about doing it?
I have WC4 on both CD and DVD, and I noticed that there is a patch to get the game running, however, I installed the patch, set the compatability to Win 98, but when I ran the game, I'd get a black screen, and a second later get one of those annyoying Win XP error messages, asking me to send a Error Report. And I can't get past it, anyone know a whay?

Can anyone help me, I really miss playing WC. :( *Breaks down crying*
I've had a look through the tread and it doesn't really help. The problem with Wing 3 is that during setup, I can play the music, however when it comes to testing Eisen saying "GOD I love that boys spunk!" (I think) I just can't hear anything. I've heard some jitters once or twice, but you couldn't make out anything. Can I fix that? In the thread there are a number of people saying they can get it to work, but don't really say how. Someone said that they used the 'gulikoza's compiled version' but I have no idea what that is or where to find it.

As for Wing 4, I didn't see anything for the DVD version. The problem I have is that it crashes before the game can start, and I don't know how to get past it. I also have the CD version and I tried to install that, however I have pretty much the same problem as I do with Wing 3. Again, any ideas? I had no problem installing the DVD version, so I have no idea how it would run, but I first need to get it started.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Gulikoza might be a good idea - he has developed a MCI to Direct Show wrapper (if you don't know what this is - it's a thingie that might solve problems with your graphics card) with some addons for WC3 & 4DVD. His page is at; you might check out the DXMCI and Addon section.

I guess the "compiled version" people refer to is an earlier version of DOSbox that Gulikoza recomplied because it was only available in the CVS at the time. Which leads to a rather dull but important question: You're trying to run the Windows version of WC3, are you? If not, DOSbox will be the next stop...

Or, if you don't bother: Shave off a partition on your machine and create a DOS/Win98 environment - or even more radical, get an emulation like VMWare.
Ok, I'll be honest and say you still lost me with some of that, but I think I got the general idea. Do you know how to solve the sound problems? Or does that have to be done once the games are installed?
Hey there bro,

I have the same problem. I have not ever got WC3 to work on my laptop but I have with WC4. Go to the CIC files section and get the windows 95 patch for the game. Load the installer and try and find your way as best as possible so that it is installed. Then run the patch in the WC4 file. Set the compatibility to 95 and bosh, you are away. worked for me.
Its not fair, how come I can't get them too work?!?!?! :( *Breaks down crying* Why won't the sound work?!?!?! God, if your on the forum, tell me why it won't work, is it so wrong to play Wing 3 and 4? WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!! :(
I only muddled through the set up so I could apply the patch. It is worth re-visiting it then and setting up the sound properly. I have the sound when I play it on my laptop. I had to get Kilrathi Saga to play 3 though.
Sorry, had to get some frustration out!!

I take it that you use the Win95 to Win2K patch for Wing 4? Because it won't work either, it just says, 'Could'nt open File!' (and yes it is spelt like that???) I've tried running it in the Wing 4 folder, on the desktop, in its own folder, it just won't work. What am I doing wrong?

*God, why do you HATE me?!?!?!?!?!* :( :mad: :( :mad:
YES!!! Scratch that last post, I finally got it to work. I used the other patch and it seems to fine so far. Hopefully it will stay that way. Looks like god heard me. :) Thanks God. :)
Thanks, oh humble believer. Sometimes it seems to help if you quietly slip out to get a snack for a couple of milennia, and your creation gets itself out of trouble...

Well, .... anyway:

What about WC3? Is it the DOS or Win version?