bug? awsome mod! :)


Rear Admiral
first off, the mod ownz! :) its nice to be back agianst the Kilrathi a bit, now i'm finding myself replaying the old games...

my only complaints gotta be, the misfire bug i read of elsewhere, doesn't seem to happen often, but i have pulled the trigger to no avail and had to completely restart the game to shake it.

the AI likes to shoot through me... is that just inherint in the SO code and i've always avoided it before, or is something amiss? i mean literally, the friendlys on my wing will shoot straight through me to get at a target, with no regard, 9 out of 10 deaths and 3/4 of my damage seems to be comming from there all of a sudden...

anywho, glitches or whatever aside, agian the mod rules!
games tough to, unlike WCP had been :p or maybe i'm just out of practise.
keep up the good work guys! wish i had the know how to do such things... i may have to use my GI Bill so i can learn something :D
GrimCW said:
the AI likes to shoot through me... is that just inherint in the SO code and i've always avoided it before, or is something amiss? i mean literally, the friendlys on my wing will shoot straight through me to get at a target, with no regard, 9 out of 10 deaths and 3/4 of my damage seems to be comming from there all of a sudden...
Yeah, the AI does that :p. There are, however, a few simple precautions you can take to reduce your death rate.

- If only one hostile is around and you want to kill him, tell your wingmen to form up.
- If there's other wings around, too, leave that last hostile alone. Better alive without one kill than two kills for the price of one :p.
- Under any circumstances, pay attention to the amount of gunfire your target is receiving. If it looks too hot... then stay out of the way. Hey, that's how it works in real life, too.
- If there are Rapiers involved, a prayer or two is a wise idea... because nothing short of divine intervention can save you from a dumbfire :).
GrimCW said:
my only complaints gotta be, the misfire bug i read of elsewhere, doesn't seem to happen often, but i have pulled the trigger to no avail and had to completely restart the game to shake it.

Are you sure you don't just have badly damaged guns?
the misfire bug nailed me right after launch.

heh, at least its not like X2's AI that LOVES to ram you, not much shooting but lots of ramming.. (sorta fixed in the patches but it happens alot no less)
and i've rarely if ever been nailed in WC 1 or 2 minus Paladin once pounded me in WC1... stoopid scimitar slugs....

if i try to avoid the more overthrown ones i get pounded from another enemy, they seem to love shifting targets to me real fast... even when i'm furthest away ;p

only if we could get them to do with WC what was done with Elder Scrolls 1 or better yet, do with WC SO (since thats the mod base) release the complete code like ID did with Quake 2... :) i could only imagine what would sprout from that!

hot damn this game is tough... ~~~, i'm not even through the first chapter :p game locked up after i landed... just sat there... still running... astroids still spinning... but wouldn't go anywhere.. bah, twas the mission at the pirate base, 3rd time and now i need a 4th... i keep getting pounded hard, not used to having a more tactical situation in WC games where dodging fire is more priority than laying it out :p

i just plain suck..... :p
That's the mission where it takes a while to go through the landing sequence because all of those Sabres need to land. :>
i noticed, but only 1 sabre landed and then it just hung there :/

it may have been because i hit esc to bypass the landing movie.