BREAKING NEWS: Wing Commander in Concert! (April 8, 2013)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Wing Commander 3, 4 and Prophecy composer George Oldziey announced today that the Austin Symphony will be performing music from Wing Commander 3 and 4 in an upcoming concert! Details are scarce, but mark your calendars for Friday, October 18th at the Long Center in Austin, Texas (birthplace of Wing Commander!) You can bet we'll be planning to attend and will be organizing some Wing Commander-related events for fans interested in making the trip. More details as they become available!

Original update published on April 8, 2013
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I would love to see this. I just wish the timing was slightly better. The other music I'd LOVE to hear is the Privateer and WC2 stuff. I really hope George gets involved in Star Citizen.
I would love to see this. I just wish the timing was slightly better. The other music I'd LOVE to hear is the Privateer and WC2 stuff. I really hope George gets involved in Star Citizen.

George *is* involved in Star Citizen - he's composing the music. :P
Unfortunately, George is not composing the music for Star Citizen!

October in Austin should be pretty amazing, though! I'm thinking we'll put together an impromptu Wing Commander convention...
Unfortunately, George is not composing the music for Star Citizen!

October in Austin should be pretty amazing, though! I'm thinking we'll put together an impromptu Wing Commander convention...

Wait a sec....then who did that theme music they posted earlier? That wasn't George Oldziey?
DVD of the performance would be excellent for some of us poor saps who can't travel, even state-side.
Hmmm, really bummed that this has to be at about the same time as I have prior family event I have to attend... I sure hope there's a recording of this.
You all have six months to replan your weddings, work and family vacations! Make it happen!
Hope he plans to record it. Midi sounds are ok, but full orchestra is better. Oct is a ways off, but I might be available to go. I'm in Austin already. ;)
Hope he plans to record it. Midi sounds are ok, but full orchestra is better. Oct is a ways off, but I might be available to go. I'm in Austin already. ;)

I would so buy that album... See if you can corner the man himself and convince him to do a recording session!

I wonder if EA own the rights to the music along with the rest of the Wing Commander IP, or does George own it as the composer?