BREAKING NEWS: Three New HD Videos (May 10, 2007)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
This day just keeps getting better: GameSpot has posted three more High Definition video previews of Wing Commander Arena! The first shows off the Space Station map, the second is melee combat in the Boneyard and the third is capship combat. There are some huge surprises here, including a lineup of F/A-76 Longbow bombers parked at the Space Station and a big Kilrathi face carved into an asteroid in the Boneyard! No Wing Commander continuity, eh? You can find all three online here.

Original update published on May 10, 2007
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The longbows really make it feel like Wing Commander.

So many ships which are Wing Commander in nature but don't trigger than sense of nostalgia. The longbow hasn't changed one bit, and it makes all the difference to see it in there.
Yeah, the Longbow never seemed to leave the impression on people that the Broadsword did. It's a fair ship, but you are right, seeing those longbows lined up ready to launch sure makes me feel like I'm still part of ConFleet.
Is that an upside WCP Confed transport rammed into the side of the asteroid in the boneyard video? (I think it's a Pelican Class?)
I have heard tell that there are some familiar wrecks in there... Chris thought he was some Centurion bits when he was grabbing the screencaps for the update.
hehe, it'd be sweet to see some WC1 or 2 era wrecks in there like a ralari, bengal, or (probably no way but would it be great) pieces of a confederation class :)
Well they have been updating the last few days like crazy...I forget which novel talks about it, but after an incident like that he'd be given 2 weeks R&R along with a trip to the ship shrink for a eval before getting back into the cockpit...

But there is a war on and we need every able bodied person ready for combat.
One thing I did notice in the capship battle clip is that the turrets and stuff are way more responsive than they were two months ago. they turn and target the enemy ships and stuff.
One thing I did notice in the capship battle clip is that the turrets and stuff are way more responsive than they were two months ago. they turn and target the enemy ships and stuff.

Well that is good news...sort long as it's not you being tracked by the turrets...

I also noticed that the point defense turrets don't seem to fire until you're really close, which is kinda nice, as you only have to worry about the heavy plasma rounds, although if you happen to run into one of those...
I also like how the one new capship video more clearly shows how the map plays out with the capships starting at opposite ends of the map and moving towards eachother... I certainly makes you want to avoid being between them when they start firing.