BREAKING NEWS: German Arena Interview (April 26, 2007)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation! has posted a two-page interview with Wing Commander Arena producer Sean Penney! The interview, found here, discusses the game's different modes, addresses fan issues and touches on the history of the series. Unfortunately for many of our readers, it's entirely in German. I know there are quite a few German Wing Commander fans out there - would someone be kind enough to translate this exciting article? Contact us and we'll post it immediately.

Eurogamer is also running an article on the history of Wing Commander spinoffs, which is available here.

Original update published on April 26, 2007
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Well, my english is quite not the best, but there are some points inside that interview...

- single player:

melee: free for all, against KI - ships (battle against themself and you), timelimit, kills will be send to scorelist
meteor storm: defend satelites against rocks (and raiders), game ends when all satellites are gone
gaunlet: defend a midway carrier, any enemy wave is heavier...
proving grounds: just learn to fly, no score, no timelimit

not all ships can be used at the beginning (there is a score or ranking needed)

- multi player:

capital ship: 2 enemy "big" ships battle each other, mulitple targets on the hulls, ships "sinks" down if one area is cleaned, last target: bridge
satellites: a variant of caputure the flag
boneyard: a place full of old ships and garbage
space station: battle on a base
bearpit: one on one battle inside a arena, all others must wait outside, the winner stay in, the looser need to get back at the end of the waiting line
Duell: one on one battle (like tennis, 3 matches won and all is good)

Sean Penney say it clear: arena is a arcarde game... focus on battles (and not on a story).
