Blair's callsign (Maverick)

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Now I know the most likely reason Blair's callsign was "Maverick" was because that was what Chris Roberts used, but canon-wise, why in the world would Blair pick "Maverick"? He flys by the book on all accounts (excepting WC II when he was a nut-case), now, the only reason I can think of this was that it was an ironic callsign... am I wrong? Any thoughts?
I don't think you can call the WC2 Blair a nut-case, I think he was just trying to prove himself... the way he treats Maniac kinda leads me to that conclusion (and even the way he reacted when Maniac told him what the Mace was, and etc.)

well I mean you have to be nuts to go up against a enemy fleet (losing track) all by yourself with no hope of winning. Anyways... back to the topic... :rolleyes:
One of the Telep books clearly states it was a name made out of mocking, since he was so by-the-book.
Originally posted by Thymerlord
Maybe he choose it because you would have to be a Maverick to want to willingly fly with Maniac

LOL, that's definetely a high posibility :)

Thanks LeHah, that's what I suspected, but wasn't sure.
That confuses me..

Armstrongs callsign was Maverick in Wing Commander 1. How is it Blair that's Maverick all the sudden in Wing Commander 2? What hapenned to Armstrong?! I think its Blair in Wing Commander 2, I wouldn't know as I have a MAC!!!! But I think so...

When SWC was released they hadn't named the character yet, so they decided to use Armstrong.

Originally posted by LeHah
One of the Telep books clearly states it was a name made out of mocking, since he was so by-the-book.

As does the WCP Guide and the second episode of WCA.
Blair = Blue Hair.

Therefore, Bluehair=Blair. :)

(The WC Movie does proclaim itself rather loudly as "Starship Troopers meets Top Gun" :eek: )
the funny thing is that I didn't see much of a resemblance to either of them :) They didn't even use Blair's callsign in the movie.

Actually, I'm not sure if at the beginning when Blair and Maniac are on the Diligent if Maniac says "I really don't like this guy Mav", or "I really don't like this guy *Man*"... can anyone clear this up for me? (The actors in the movie didn't seem to speak too clearly all through the film)
Originally posted by Bob McDob
(The WC Movie does proclaim itself rather loudly as "Starship Troopers meets Top Gun" :eek: )
Look at me, my name is Bob McDob and I think I'm being clever!
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