Blair, Maverick?

The WC movie looked great, just the plot was a little weird (I thought carriers were supposed to use their Aircraft and not do battle up close like dreadnoughts)
I think some scenes on WCIV were pretty good for theatrical movie standards, which are not really high.
I guess you never played Starlancer!

I liked that aspect for some reason, some of my favorite missions in Star Lancer is when the big ships are trading blows. I'm just a capship lover though I guess.
WC4 had some shoddy sets... for instance, the Confed Senate floor had running lights along the stairwells... which, in the dvd version, were revealed as (poorly strung) christmas lights...

And Malcom Mcdowell rocked in wc4. :D
I see the Wing Commander Movie as an apocryphal story in the WC Universe. While I've many complaints about the WC Movie, the one that sticks in my mind is the Pilgrim subplot. It is clear that the Pilgrims are a rip off of the Newtypes from the Gundam Universe. Here is a list of other complaints.

The Cats look like mice.
The Rapier looks like a dildo with wings
The fact that Pilots are doing the job of Marines (boarding an Enemy Cap Ship)
Freddy and Shaggy as Maverick and Maniac? Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

To combat the venomous list of things I hated, here are some things I liked.

The Pilgrim Cross Pendant (I want one :D )
The Theme (An Excellent SF Fanfare)
Maniac got some (sure it's an apocryphal story, but I'm sure Maniac would be bragging about it in the official story line :D ).
Aw crab parts, anime fandom, not knowing what airplanes look like and a lack of concern for linear time? Why do I still do this?
I see the Wing Commander Movie as an apocryphal story in the WC Universe.

Apocryphal? You mean unauthentic? A false or fictitious fiction?

Well now there’s an (ahem!) argument I don’t think anyone’s tried before.:)
Col. Bob said:
I see the Wing Commander Movie as an apocryphal story in the WC Universe. While I've many complaints about the WC Movie, the one that sticks in my mind is the Pilgrim subplot. It is clear that the Pilgrims are a rip off of the Newtypes from the Gundam Universe. Here is a list of other complaints.

The Cats look like mice.
The Rapier looks like a dildo with wings
The fact that Pilots are doing the job of Marines (boarding an Enemy Cap Ship)
Freddy and Shaggy as Maverick and Maniac? Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

To combat the venomous list of things I hated, here are some things I liked.

The Pilgrim Cross Pendant (I want one :D )
The Theme (An Excellent SF Fanfare)
Maniac got some (sure it's an apocryphal story, but I'm sure Maniac would be bragging about it in the official story line :D ).

Why drag Gundam into it? We've had mutants in movies and novels since well before Tamino ever got into doing things for Sunrise - one such example is the other societies of the Childe Cycle by Gordon R. Dickson, with the Exotics and the Others having abilities which are well beyond normal human ken. And even in the 'real' WC universe, we've seen pilots doing things that pilots shouldn't be doing (SO1 and SO2 involved playing jailkeeper for a wayward Kilrathi prince, spy missions - not just listening for tranmissions, and boarding an enemy carrier), so there's not much room to complain there.

As far as dildos with wings go - you look at an A-10 and tell me that looks like a sleek craft. Or the Space Shuttle. Or an Ariane launcher, which looks like a dildo without wings. :D
Bandit LOAF said:
Aw crab parts, anime fandom, not knowing what airplanes look like and a lack of concern for linear time? Why do I still do this?

;) Because everything we do here is meant to be true, and reassuring, and sad.

True because we all have played the games, read, the books, watched the movie - we've witnessed it, and we've built opinions on that, which must be inherently true.
Reassuring because it has become a part of us, and more important, mostly a part of our past. What can't be changed should at least be right, or well understood.
And sad because we all love WC in parts or as a whole.

Kurt Vonnegut once wrote that Science Fiction is all about reinventing yourself - an what would you do without that?
Per offlist request, a more detailed response.

It is clear that the Pilgrims are a rip off of the Newtypes from the Gundam Universe.

How is that remotely clear? I'm pretty sure the idea of humans with special abilities can be found in literature throughout history - it's certainly not original to either Wing Commander or a Japanese Starship Troopers ripoff.

(And remember that when the movie was released (and even moreso when it was written) we didn't have quite such a hardon for Japanese cartoons.)

The Cats look like mice.

Well, not everything can meet the exceptional standards set by the animated series' pink and gray Kilrathi. (Seriously, though: I agree, the Kilrathi in the movie look awful - but I also recognize that if Kilrathi looking awful were enough to effect my enjoyment of a Wing Commander story, I'd have hated Wing Commander IV a heck of a lot morel. Muppet Melek )

The Rapier looks like a dildo with wings

I'm at a loss here. Cute teen gross out factor aside, the Rapier looks like a dildo in the same sense that every airplane ever does. Whether you're penetrating the sound barrier or something else, you want a basic tube shaped design. Heck, the Rapier is a bit less sex toyetic than the average fighter jet -- it doesn't have a rounded aerodynamic nose.

The fact that Pilots are doing the job of Marines (boarding an Enemy Cap Ship)

Just Blair (and Angel, in the novelization) - both for exceptional reasons. (Angel had trained on a captured Dorkir and was accompanying the marines... Blair disobeyed orders to board the Kilrathi ship (he was supposed to be Paladin's gunner).

Freddy and Shaggy as Maverick and Maniac? Whisky Tango Foxtrot?

Put the movie releases in order: Scooby Doo (2002), Wing Commander (1999).
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I always viewed the Pilgrims as a ripoff of the Jedi... I LIKE THE RAPIERS! So iunno what ur talkin about. If you wanna talk Ripoffs look at Major Mike Casey and Colonel Chris Blair. What were their Callsigns? Maverick and Iceman... hmmm where else have we seen that? Top Gun ne 1?

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot... HEH MY FAV SAYING!!!
Eh, Blair's callsign is a retcon - he didn't have it in WC1, 2 and 3... and it isn't mentioned in WC4.

I always viewed the Pilgrims as a ripoff of the Jedi...

Because the Jedi were an evil group who used their genetic superiority to oppress everyone else.
Well the Sith were. but still aside from that one telikinetic(sp?) trick in pilgram stars i don't see anything similar.
Guardian said:
Well the Sith were. but still aside from that one telikinetic(sp?) trick in pilgram stars i don't see anything similar.

They're both an attempt to add mages to a sci-fi universe.
Star wars would be alot better if theyhad left out the force stuff.
I have always hated that kind of uber warrior scifi.

P.S. Did you demote me Loaf? In that case i have missed something.
I actually like being a first Lieutenant again. :)
Nemesis said:
Apocryphal? You mean unauthentic? A false or fictitious fiction?

Well now there’s an (ahem!) argument I don’t think anyone’s tried before.:)

Yeah but one Im certainly willing to buy. I just really cant see a connection between that movie and the video game, Im also willing to believe that its the same with SWC, as the ships look different and Blair in that is named Armstrong