Bitchin an moanin

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I would like to dedicate this thread to any WC-related stuff that's really annoying.
First off, it was nice to see a Lens Flare patch for D3D on WCP but I was hoping there would be something like some card-dedicated drivers so the game runs at its optimum for people other than the 3DFX owners. I mean, here in Britain most systems come with an ATI card but most games are written with Voodoo chips in mind. And all the rest have to make do with Direct3D.

I only ever enjoy killing ETs and chewing gum. And I'm all outta gum.
There's so much that annoys me at this point I can't even begin to name them all. First thing that comes to mind is the speech in WC3 being so garbled and rough.
What? What I find anoying is the lack of subtitles in P2.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
One more from me for now: the aliens always have different taunts and insults but all I ever get to say is: "I'm not scared of you pipsqueak. Come at me"
On the other hand I laugh every time my wingman asks for help and one of them replies: "I will help you!" Sounds like a voice-over for a kung fu film!

(I posted the topic before I read the rules. Hope I didn't break any. But then again rules are there to be broken.)

I only ever enjoy killing ETs and chewing gum. And I'm all outta gum.
LOL I know what you mean. Actually you have more than one taunt but they all suck.
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Just thought I'd bring this back up since I've been neglecting my own topic.
In the mission where missiles are approaching Midway why do the turrets prove so useless? I mean, there are dozens of them, and a missile should be easy to hit since it can't change direction, yet it is Casey once again who has to do all the work.

I only ever enjoy killing ETs and chewing gum. And I'm all outta gum.
That's the point to Wing Commander. You do all the work & you often get the glory for it.

Politician: "I'm disbanding your superannuation task force."
Superannuation Task Force: "You can't do that."
Politician: "Why not?"
Superannuation Task Force: "We haven't saved enough for our retirement."
The Politician by David Fletcher.
Yeah, but hardly realistic.
Where are those medium ions anyway?
you'd think with all those laser, and ion turrets they could take out those large missiles with so much time to shoot at them.
What would the core damage point value for a Midway class if the older confed and kilrathi missiles only did a "mere" 60,000 points damage.
And what might be the sheild strength of the midway if it is similar to a wartime fort?
Would it by chance be similar to the Mcauliffe base sheild?
Of course goddard's sheild was penetrated or by-passed in one shot.
Death's Head says:
What would the core damage point value for a Midway class if the older confed and kilrathi missiles only did a "mere" 60,000 points damage.

Mere 60,000? That's a lot. The capship missiles did that much damage, but none of the capships actualy had a core strength like that.

Death's Head says something again:
And what might be the sheild strength of the midway if it is similar to a wartime fort?
Would it by chance be similar to the Mcauliffe base sheild?
Of course goddard's sheild was penetrated or by-passed in one shot.

Did Goddard even have any shields? And if so it was penetrated by the PTC (phase transit cannon) whcich can penetrate phase shields like it's name sugests. It doesen't have a shield strength. It has the type of phase shields that can be only penetrated by torps, and plasma weapons (unlike ships in WC1, WC3 and WC4 which have phase shields, but they can be penetrated by all weapons, and they each have individual strength) Midway's armor is 2,000 cm thick, which actualy isn't much. Even the Nephilim destroyer has armor that's stronger than that.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton

[This message has been edited by Earthworm (edited January 31, 2000).]
Back to the core topic: those IR missiles are crap! and what happened to the anti- turret bombs described in the manual?
You can target turrets with the HARMs (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missiles), available only in certain missions where your job is to clean the turrets off, commonly referred to as SEAD (Supression of Enemy Air Defenses), or its nickname, 'Wild Weasel'.

When using them, though, make sure the targeted turret is in sight, as the HARMs just take a direct path to the targeted turret, not taking into account any intervening items.

Like the hull of the ship the turret is protecting.

SubCrid Death
Official Net.Nazi, LOAF's Merry Guild

[This message has been edited by Death (edited February 01, 2000).]
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Starfury, what do you mean IR's are crap? IR's are the best missiles in WC (that actualy should go to FF missiles, but they don't do enough damage on higher dificulty)

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
I hate FFs. Some times when I fire one of those off, another ship slightly above, below or to the sides of me will get in just a little closer than what I'm trying to shot at and the stupid misslie just veers off in another direction. Annoying. I'de rather have dumbfires than FF.
I'd rather have the RP's from Prophecy or SO. If you know how to use them (like me), you can kill lots of ships.
I only miss one out of ten times with those. And sometimes even less than that.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
My favourite missile is the IR. Always get that grim look from Rachel in WC3 when I change her missile loadout from FF to IR!

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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