Birthday Greetings from Chris Roberts (August 11, 2009)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
We are extremely honored to have the man himself, Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts, kicking off this evening's festivities. Here is a man who needs no introduction to Wing Commander fans:
Wow! It’s been 11 years since WC news started up. Time flies! It’s all the more amazing since there hasn’t been a “real” Wing Commander since Prophecy in 1997, which is a testimony to the appeal of the universe and characters of Wing Commander and the dedication of all the fans. I never would have guessed back in late 1988 when I first started tinkering with something I was calling “Squadron” that it would turn into something so enduring. I have the many talented people that worked with me in creating the first four Wing Commanders and their various mission packs and spin offs to thank for helping to create something that has captured so many imaginations. But most of all I want to thank everyone that upgraded or bought a new PC, a sound card, a CD drive or any of the other things that Wing Commander needed to play properly. I want to thank everyone that spent hours playing through the games and now still keep the world alive with home grown games, mods to skinable games, cool paper models, user created fiction and movie projects. But most of all I want to thank WC News for keeping the torch alive in the Wing Commander Universe. So thanks to Ben and the rest of the WC NEWS staff for spending a so much of their spare time keeping everyone, including me, connected to the Wing Commander universe.

It’s been a while since I’ve actively participated in the universe but I still check out WC News to see what everyone is doing. Wing Commander is very dear to my heart. And it is something that I feel l haven’t finished with yet. So watch this space!

And happy anniversary WCNEWS!

- Chris Roberts
Mr. Roberts' latest film project, Outlander, is available now on DVD and Blu-Ray.

Original update published on August 11, 2009
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Always good to see a friendly ship!

And great to hear from the Great Maker himself...

EDIT: Just popped in my head...I'm glad to know that his testimony in WC4 wasn't seems that he still wants to go on :p
Wow, that's awesome. My compliments to the founders and maintainers of this site and to all who've contributed to this fun universe. An extra special thanks to you Chris Roberts for creating those excellent games and interactive movies.
Forever and ever and ever

I just finished playing WC last week and I'm 2/3's through a game of Privateer right now

Love the series.