Beta - Privateer Gemini Gold

John Cordell

Serious work on the Privateer Remake twin Gemini Gold was finished and i'm proud to announce that the beta test will start in a couple of hours. You can expect a standalone 200 MB release which will include all game files and of course the recent 1.2 release changes from the remake itself. So what will Gemini Gold be like? Several additional features were added to make it feel more like the original Privateer as well as a lot of artwork, model stuff and gameplay improvements which may at some point be available in the Remake as well.

Now we need you to test Gemini Gold to make sure all new features are working properly and that the campaign is not broken. If you have free time in the next few days and are willing to submit a little report about your test write us an email to and you will receive an answer with further instructions on the download.

More information:
Now what exactly can you expect from Gemini Gold?
- we add original features and make sure they work properly
- we remove unnecessary features introduced by the Privateer Remake
- we replace artwork that obviously does not fit into the universe
- we rebalance the gameplay and improve the look and feel

Making something more like the original is a noble goal, but these bullet points seem a bit schizophrenic. Removing unnecessary features from the Priv Remake is a great goal. We don't need cloaking devices and autotracking guns in there. But then what features are you adding? Hopefully they're not skipper missiles and dreadnoughts. From the sounds of things, you're trying to add original features from Privateer that the remake lacked, right? And taking out artwork that doesn't belong is great, but changing the look and feel could be very weird. Hopefully that means making it feel more like the original while just upscaling things for today's world.
Can we expect the old graphics for the commodity exchange, mission computer, and upgrade store? Will characters' mouths move?
improvements in / for gemini gold

important improvements:

- have you removed the bug that 50 credits are subtracted from my discount when i load a savegame?
- have you rerendered the background graphics of the different stations into hi-res? i really dislike the unsharpness even in the sharp mode.
- have you given the ships "feet" to "stand" on the ground of the spaceport? i don't believe they have enough power to "hang" in the air all the time. or are there hidden tractor beams?
- have you adjusted the sizes of the ships "standing" at the station to the measure of the picture? they look unbelievable.
- have you removed the occationally appearing display bugs of the landed ships?

desirable improvements:

- what about a hardware check routine in the setup program for individually recommended display settings? that may spare much of configuration time.
- may we enjoy an intro sequence again at any time? i found it beautiful and informative as well.
maltinator said:
important improvements:


- have you given the ships "feet" to "stand" on the ground of the spaceport? i don't believe they have enough power to "hang" in the air all the time. or are there hidden tractor beams?

You have an odd definition of important
Some bugs were a good reason for us to delay the beta a few days, now they are fixed and more amazing stuff was included like the damage of ship systems and maneuvering jets that can act really strange...

Expect the beta (made with the spirit of cooperation) soon Wink


Making something more like the original is a noble goal, but these bullet points seem a bit schizophrenic. Removing unnecessary features from the Priv Remake is a great goal. We don't need cloaking devices and autotracking guns in there.

But then what features are you adding? Hopefully they're not skipper missiles and dreadnoughts. From the sounds of things, you're trying to add original features from Privateer that the remake lacked, right?
Yes and visual improvements

And taking out artwork that doesn't belong is great, but changing the look and feel could be very weird. Hopefully that means making it feel more like the original while just upscaling things for today's world.
More or less, we try to get a wing commander atmosphere in there which the remake wasn't that good at

no but improvements

hmm let me think.... make a friendship with dosbox :)

Do a search for quality assurance and purist version on this forum then you might get an idea how gemini gold's development started
Wow that Kamekh looks good and the game looks very impressive. I can’t wait to fine time to play it.

One question though. Aren’t those turrets on the top supposed to be on the side?