Bengal Carrier


Seventh Part of the Seal
Maybe I missed it somewhere in Ep. 4 or something? But I was just wondering when/where/if the Bengal class carrier is going to make an appearance?
Yes, it would be cool if they put the Wolfhound and the Kipling back online for the Battle of Terra. I wonder if they'll be as good as the Dauntless when it comes to defending themselves.
I was thinking of a direct mention of either Wolfhound or Kipling. I don't see any reason why a Bengal couldn't have been one of the carriers lost at Luna or during the battle somewhere else.
We have too many damn models, I'm sorry about that. ;)

There will be a mothballed Bengal in Sol. We didn't want to put any active ones in there because I figured we would run into either "...but that carrier isn't mentioned by name in FA!" or "...but FA doesn't say that carrier is a Bengal!"
That makes sense since the carriers at Luna are only mentioned as carriers and nothing else. You guys do a nice job of sliding things in while not causing such arguments and we want to see all those gorgeous models you've made :) You've spoiled us and there's no going back now.
Well, our Bengal is just a retexture of the model I did for UE - so in a sense we've already seen plenty of it. :p
There will be a mothballed Bengal in Sol. We didn't want to put any active ones in there because I figured we would run into either "...but that carrier isn't mentioned by name in FA!" or "...but FA doesn't say that carrier is a Bengal!"

I think I'm gonna get nightmares from watching all those gorgeous confed fleet carriers moored in drydocks and shipyards being helplessly torpedoed by squadrons of Grikaths.
While reading FA, I got the impression that the TCS WolfHound was Mothballed at Luna (in the middle of the book - when it tells of the "great mothballing"), and was later destroyed there while the Kilrathi cruisers attacked the Luna shipyards (although not been mentioned by name during the final attack).
2 carriers (IIRC) were destroyed at Luna. We dont' know if any carriers were mothballed at the Trojan IV shipyards or any other of the major shipyards in the core worlds.
Was it a condition in the truce that so much of the fleet had to be completely shut down? Doesn't make sense to me - a more prudent course of action would have been to maintain the fleet on stand-by, just in case hostilities resumed - which, of course, they did. Or was it for economic and social reasons (weary troops)?

I realise this probably has been discussed before, but the absurdity of the Confederation fleet dismantling really struck me just now.
Blame Jamison, she pushed for the extensive demobilizing that put the fleet into such an awful state during the truce. Hence, another reason to give the FRL the CVEs, they were kept online during the truce and were able to save Earth (along with Jukaga's change of heart) from total destruction.
I don't think the military were ever given the choice of leaving the fleet on stand-by. Remember, "bureaucrats wanted to disarm as much as possible." :p
I think they could have gotten by with less of a demobilization, but Jamison lead the charge, I forget if it was her or the kilrathi that proposed the ships be cut up for scrap as well, I think it was her.
I'd love to see a Bengal in the final battle. It would be glorious to imagine the ship that so many of us started our love affair with Wing Commander upon involved in saving mankind again. Please put one of them in, it would be just amazing.
2 carriers (IIRC) were destroyed at Luna. We dont' know if any carriers were mothballed at the Trojan IV shipyards or any other of the major shipyards in the core worlds.

Three carriers were destroyed in drydocks on the moon.

Was it a condition in the truce that so much of the fleet had to be completely shut down? Doesn't make sense to me - a more prudent course of action would have been to maintain the fleet on stand-by, just in case hostilities resumed - which, of course, they did. Or was it for economic and social reasons (weary troops)?

I realise this probably has been discussed before, but the absurdity of the Confederation fleet dismantling really struck me just now.

The armistice deal required that both fleets immediately cut their active fleets by 50% (the Confederation ultimately cut the active fleet to 48% of the pre-armistice level). The ships were only mothballed and not scrapped - the novel mentions that the Kilrathi (and Jamison) demanded the latter and even threatened to withdraw from the negotiations over the issue, but that the civilian government refused. Which is to say that the fleet was not dismantled - it was put into storage, ready to be reactivated when the need arose.

The biggest problem doesn't seem to have been the cases where the ships were simply put into storage -- recall that Tarawa was mothballed and then reactivated very quickly -- but rather the cases where the Confederation was hoping to take advantage of a longer peace to repair war-weary ships (an increasing necessity on both sides). The carriers that were unable to take part in the battle (and the two that were delayed) weren't able to get underway because their reactors had been pulled as part of a major refit, overhaul and re-alignment of their jump engines.

The economy was in trouble, too (plunging into a depression), which exacerbated the situation and forced the government to make a lot of decisions that would ultimately make it harder to get back on a war footing. The armistice brought with it a freeze on new defense contracts and on all ship production. The immdiate military effect was that ships which should have entered service to replace ordinary losses (a carrier, several cruisers, others) did not do so. Others were delayed and still others did not begin construction as planned. Idled shipyard workers left their war jobs to find work in the private sector. This not only further delayed the ability to restart war production, but it also created a huge spike in unemployment - since a lack of new contracts meant less need for workers. Even worse, war workers who were previously unable to strike (during wartime) suddenly could - and did. Those same economic pressures, plus political necessities (constituencies demanding of their Senators that their boys be discharged), prompted massive discharges of military personnel. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers, sailors and spacemen came home immediately, with more to follow. There weren't jobs for them, either. The government attempted to curve some of those money issues by cutting corners with the active military - flight training time for fighter pilots was cut in half and the main battle fleet of heavy cruisers, kept in active service, was not put to space (with crews allowed to go on leave).
I don't understand... there is a Bengal in the ship database on the site, and another in the game on the Tactical database. I didn't think any ships that were in those wouldn't be making an appearance??