
Well, in "reality" of the WC universe you're probably right, 'cause there are also things that aren't simulated in the game, like jamming guns, problems with systems/shields etc... . Heck, in the novel three Dralthi IVs give Blair and Hobbes a problem in a TBolt :).
But I was talking purely gamewise.
You know what: Here's my list of superfighters in the respective WC games,whether it interest you or not ;):
WC1: None
WC2: None in the basic game, maybe the Wraith from WCA. (The Morningstar and Crossbow are close, but they both have real disadvantages so don't classify as superfighters in my eyes)
Armada: Gladius (arguably)
WC3: Excalibur
WC4: Dragon (the superfighter) and the Bearcat (also very very super when looked on the paper., flying those things is awful because of the gun placement.)
WCP: Vampire

BTW: Many here tell me that the Exacl's armour was really thin. Now in the manual it has 110cm of armour front/back and 110cm on the sides, absolutely comparable to the TBolt. I know that mnauals don't always tell the truth but even in the game I never felt that the Excal's armour was inferior to that of the TBolt. Was it?
I think WC3 and WC4 are the only WC games that had true 'superfighters', and I don't recall hearing the earlier games having been referred to as having such. Mostly because the fighters there were pretty balanced in their strengths.

WC1's Rapier was manuverable like a Hornet but had pretty thin armor compared to a Scim or Raptor.. with almost the power of a Raptor with two guns. Just not quite. Great missile loadout though. :D

WC2's fighters were again, for the most part, fairly well balanced with the Sabre being the best heavy fighter they packed in the main games. The Morningstar's main advantage was its Mace, but otherwise it was not markedly superior to anything. If anything, the Morningstar reminds me of the Rapier's appearance in WC1; light, quick, pretty maneuverable... but weak in armor for its size.

WC3's real superfighter was the Excalibur - nothing else could really touch it in speed and power, and it had the one feature which put it heads-over-heels above others: the cloak. Yes, the cloak worked just once.. because we only had one mission we could use it in, really. But its shields were excellent, its weapons loadout superb, its maneuverability almost as good as an Arrow's with teeth as good as a Thunderbolt's.

WC4's Dragon... one of the ultimate heavy fighters. Heavily armored, maneuverable, fast... and packing superior guns with its secondary Fission Cannons. Its shields were thick, its armor almost as good... and its guns were easier to use on small targets than the Bearcat's. I'm so glad I took that route in WC4. Nothing else could touch it except another Dragon. Now that's a superfighter.

WCP: No real superfighters. Every fighter was specialized for a particular job (except the Tigershark, which was great for its CMD), so we had no real need for superfighters which were superior in every way to every other fighter. They were all great at their own jobs... specialized for that purpose. The Panther and Vampire were great heavy fighters, though I liked the Black Panther's Cloudburst guns more than the Black Vampire's Pulse Particle Cannons. But there ain't anything that beats the Devastator's heavy Plasma Cannon for cap-ship fun. :D

I wish I had a Devil Ray, though.
My friend, you forgot to list the Epee in WC2 and the ever awesome Hellcat V in WC3. If you mention then soon, I will forgive you.:D
Originally posted by Wulf
the ever awesome Hellcat V in WC3. If you mention [it] soon, I will forgive you.:D

Wulf, you are a superstar! Wanna' join the *new* Wild Eagles!?

Speaking of my quasi-assembly of CZ chaps, where's Mav been :confused:

Originally posted by Quarto
Mekt, Penguin: you're both right,

You have no idea how happy that makes me :)

Originally posted by Quarto
Of course, the most efficient combination of all would be a wing of Excals and Longbows, that goes without saying ;).

You're right, there's nothing in the WC3 context, game or novel, that could survive an Excal/'Bow onslaught :cool:

Haesslich: You can use the cheat alswantsmoreships in the simulator to fly the Devil Ray. That thing beats the crap out of the other bug fighters, except maybe the Stingray cluster.

As for the superfighters - I think maybe the Excal and Dragon are superfighters because they've got fun extras that other fighters don't have. Auto-tracking, cloak, jump, autoslide, super powerful guns. The Vamp's got most of that stuff, but then so do most of Confed's other fighters by 2681.
Originally posted by Wulf
Hey Col., remember the sequence of the Hellcats taking off in WC4? Work of art, man!

OH YES!! It was so awesome to see the Hellcat getting more FMV time! I was pretty psyched.

in fact, the whole early portion of WC4 was a dream-come-true :)

Mostly entirely made up of dogfighting in a Hellcat V! Rapture!
So does the WILD EAGLES have a webpage?

OH YEAH 1 more thing...the WC4 novel...although I don't like the BL crowd, I was flattered that they chose modified Hellcats as a weapon of choice!
Originally posted by Wulf
So does the WILD EAGLES have a webpage?

OH YEAH 1 more thing...the WC4 novel...although I don't like the BL crowd, I was flattered that they chose modified Hellcats as a weapon of choice!

No :( That's why it's a quasi-assembly....

I never read the WC4 novel. Seriously, though? That's awesome! They have a twisted universe perspective but you can't deny their good taste!
Originally posted by Haesslich
(...) If anything, the Morningstar reminds me of the Rapier's appearance in WC1; light, quick, pretty maneuverable... but weak in armor for its size.

Eh,sorry? The Morningstar is exactly as fast and nimble as the Sabre (as to say good but not really impressive) but has quite heavy armour and shields, IIRC heavier than the Sabre. I really don't see any similarity to the Rapier from WC1. :)
(...) Black Vampire(...)

Of, I forgot about the Black variants in SOPS: Now those really were too good in my eyes, especially the Vampire and Wasp.

BTW: "Haesslich", a very, um, interesting callsign. Any special reason? ;)
Originally posted by Haesslich
The Morningstar's main advantage was its Mace, but otherwise it was not markedly superior to anything.
Mekt beat me to it, but yeah, I'm pretty sure the Morningstar has heavier armour than the Sabre's.
Originally posted by Penguin
...there's nothing in the WC3 context, game or novel, that could survive an Excal/'Bow onslaught
Dreadnought, perhaps? ;)
The 'star was heavy duty armor-wise! Some of the best endurance I've seen! But you just can't beat the good ol' 'Cat!
Wedge009: In game, give me 2 Excals and 4 'Bows and I'll put away the dreadnought before Thrak can say Damn you Hear--pffssh [insert dreadnought explosion sounds ;) ]. Since I haven't read the novel I don't know how many fighters I'd need to kill it in that context.

Wulf: The Morningstar definitely has better shields and armour to the Sabre. But I prefer the Sabre's armament - rear turret, better frontal guns and sometimes 6 torpedoes :)
Everyone knows you can blow up the dreadnought with a single fighter in the game. :(

And I don't use turrets that much, and I like the Morningstar's guns seem fine to me (just don't like the sound they make). And I don't think there's been a mission where you need more than four torps.