Auto bug


I'll probably be stating the obvious, but, here it is for the record: auto-pilot in the original game returns control of the ship at a comfortable distance from your destination, or from other ships, friendly or hostile, or asteroids. Right now Auto often lands you smack onto a rock or right into other ships. I just did a Keydence mission to Blockade Point Alpha, it said you must visit the Paradigm, so I select it, auto, and I find myself surrounded by enemy stilettos. I fly around and some of them have hunter faces, so I decided these must be some weird faction attacking the Paradigm, so I destroy them all, then the Paradigm is angry at me! ;-) So, I suppose I must have auto'ed right into a Confed...
(This bug applies to Vegastrike as well, BTW.)

Excuse me, haven't had enough coffee yet today. Vegastrike doesn't have Auto; it just creates objects in front of you, so it's a different bug I guess.
Notice the same too. In the WC series, with very few exceptions, auto pilot is dropped from a safe distance from hostilies. More than once in the Remark I find myself in the middle of a furball. This makes some mission more difficult than they should be.

Try dropping your speed back to about 100 to 200 KPS before you autopilot or jump. I found that puts other ships at a fair distance when coming out of auto and jump nodes.