Artemis 1


Rear Admiral
Sorry if this is not the right place for this, but we always seem to keep up with real world space related stuff.
Anyway, I hope you all are watching the Artemis Program. First launch (though unmanned) is coming up on August 29th. I believe it is currently slated to send Orion around the moon and back to test all of the systems. Here's some videos to get you up to speed if you have no idea what I'm referring to:

Live feed from the Cape:

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I've been working my tail off on this program for the past 8 years! Really excited to see her fly.
That's incredible Klavs! I confess that I didn't know a thing about it until 2020. I'm shocked that there isn't more focus on it.
Took my kiddos to Huntsville a few months back, so they seem pretty stoked about it.

Looks like they plan to launch on Saturday the 3rd, as of this post.
Sorry if I got everyone's hopes up (I know I was stoked), but NASA has scrubbed any more launch attempts in this window.
They've already announced that they will not attempt to launch again this window. Next window is September 19th.
Seems that they are repairing the SLS at the pad, rather than rolling her back to the assembly building. Also looks like they are looking for a launch in the window September 19 - October 4th, with a focus on September 23rd and 27th.
Here are the NASA official launch windows:

Here is a live feed of Artemis:

Sadly, it's going to be late November now. After all that work to fix the leak at the pad they're going to roll it back anyway because there's a major hurricane on the way. Poor Artemis just can't catch a break, but it's good to see they aren't taking unnecessary risks. Go fever is worse than any delay!
Artemis is the Greek Goddess of the Hunt... Like any great hunter She knows to wait for a clean shot.

To quote the First Codex: "Vigilance is the Warrior's salvation; inattention the Warrior's greatest foe."
Sadly, it's going to be late November now. After all that work to fix the leak at the pad they're going to roll it back anyway because there's a major hurricane on the way. Poor Artemis just can't catch a break, but it's good to see they aren't taking unnecessary risks. Go fever is worse than any delay!
If the people working on that are anything like the people I know, there's a collective sigh of "Whew, we get a whole free extra month to test everything!"
Sadly, it's going to be late November now. After all that work to fix the leak at the pad they're going to roll it back anyway because there's a major hurricane on the way. Poor Artemis just can't catch a break, but it's good to see they aren't taking unnecessary risks. Go fever is worse than any delay!
Yep, nothing can be done when weather is against you.