An Old Vet, back to spread his memories...

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My cat just sits on her furry but all day. Sometimes she hunts for my brother though.
Once she walked on my keyboard while I was playing Privateer, and she actaly destroyed a Talon (she fired at least 6 FF missiles at it and few Tachyon shots).
She would serve the Emperor well.

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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My cat doesn't help me in Priv. He just stands in front of the screen. And then he purrs, so I pay attention to him. Well, I've always agreed with the statement that cats own people, not vice versa
. But that's ok. I like my furry masters

Kalkrath: And you play Wing Commander?
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I think we still have some paratroopers... (I know a guy who is qualified to be a paratrooper but he didn't want to transfer.)


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
I knew it all along!

Their spies are already among us! They make us believe we are safe!

My brother's tomcat is probably the laziest cat around. He especially likes to sleep on my brother's bed at night. When my brother tells him to get off the cat only looks at him as if to say "Hey, what do you want from me?"

No one will hear your cry of death in the void of space
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I hate cats, and they hate me. I'm more of a dog person. Whereever I go the dogs always seem to like me, but the cats on the other hand...
They must have heard how many brave wariors of the Empire you killed.
My cat likes me, cause she saw me help the Kilrathi in Prophecy

A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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I haven't met any animals that don't like me..... Yet <knock on wood>


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Nighthawk: That was the usual reason for the cat to stand between me and the screen. He was telling me to go to sleep, so he could like down on my stomach
. I didn't mind. He purrs, and that makes falling asleep easier.

No Regret: Ah, but do you hate cats because they hate you, or do they hate you because you hate them?

The thing about dogs is that cats are better
. A cat doesn't bark like crazy, nor does he attempt to lick your face... Which is a good thing, because cats have a really rough tongue. A cat is also far more intelligent. Sure, he doesn't play fetch - but that's because he's above that sort of thing

Anyway, dogs don't hate me (my family in Poland not only has the above-mentioned cat, but also a dog), but they are aware of the fact that I have no respect for them, and act accordingly

TC: Did you repeatedly say <option 3> to the Kilrathi in Privateer? I like it when the Kilrathi are friendly
. Then I don't have to kill them. A pity that you have to do <option 3> to each Killie separately. I'd like to have them all be friendly towards me.
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Quarto: I hate them because they scratch me. So technicaly they started.
Cats have that whole holier-than-thou attitude. A dog gives you more love and doesn't bark if properly trained. Ever tried training a cat? And what makes a cat more intelligent than a dog?
My cats are trained... They come when called and they beg and stuff... (That's because I have cool cats


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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What makes a cat more intelligent than a dog? Well, for one thing a cat is intelligent enough to realise that you can't make it (I'm using it just to prevent any gender arguments
) do anything it doesn't want to do.
Then of course there is the fact that the average cat appears (note that I say appears) to spend his entire life sleeping/eating/moving between the two earlier mentioned activities. Now if that's not intelligence, then what is?

TC: Clearly, you have retarded cats
. Maybe they think they're dogs? A cat should not beg - it should demand.
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Wow, who would have thought. We're talking about cats other than Kilrathi on a WC board.

Then of course there is the fact that the average cat appears (note that I say appears) to spend his entire life sleeping/eating/moving between the two earlier mentioned activities. Now if that's not intelligence, then what is?


A good soldier is not the one who die for his country, it's the one who makes his enemy die for his.
Gen. Patton
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I thought that the Airborne was our only paratrooper unit.
Anyway, there was some problem involving porn or something, I don't remember really. It happened about five or four years ago.

My two cats are realy different. One spends all day outside and only bothers me for food and the other one likes to sit on my shoulder all day
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Cricket: Are you saying there is something wrong with porn... You'll have to go to #wingnut and argue with Tre about that


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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hahahah.... <--- That is what I would do if that last joke were remotely funny...


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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Why do you keep telling people to argue with Tre

<TC^> Are you saying there is something wrong with Satan? If you are you should probibly talk to Tre, he probibly wouldn't take lightly to you insulting his mother :-)

Long live the Confederation,
Ben "Bandit" Lesnick
( - 302228)

The Wing Commander CIC

"You go, LOAF! Get some!" -JPG
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Because it is fun to watch people attempt to argue with Tre... They just can't win. He uses some kind of Tre-logic.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
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