
Generally what matters is the personal opinion you have of yourself, not other people's opinion...
But not in this case... :p
Originally posted by LeHah
Someone just destroy him, ok? If not, I'm gonna sic Ghost Rider on his sorry wooden ass...

Ghost Rider or Night Rider?

Hehe, just got my Encyclopedia of Superheroes...;)
Screw Night Rider. Mr Feeney voiced cars can go to heck.
1970s-era Ghost Rider is the height of American's culture as badasses.
Originally posted by Wedge009
Hey, I liked Knight Rider and talking cars. :( Stupid Hasselhoff for being ashamed of it.

Okay, he was ashamed of Knight Rider, but he was willing to do Bay Watch? What gives? :D

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Wedge009
Hey, I liked Knight Rider and talking cars.
Eh eh... that was a cult series for me... at least when I was young and stupid... <g>
But Kitt was so cool! :)
Originally posted by LeHah
Um, Hasselhoff is trying to get a movie made. :rolleyes:
Indeed it seems so... if it stars Hasselhoff himself, I'm afraid it will be one of those straight-to-video crappy movies... :(