Administration policies

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I agree with everything here, from the CZ being fairly tame compared to other such boards to the fact that LeHah's a jackass...

Yes. I can be a jackass. I tend to be online. I am an online jackass. I am also, at times, an online jackass pug, as well. :D

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I think the problem is that people take admins too seriously -- at heart, we want to be regular posters... and something like changing a rank or... making fun of LeHah... is a joke, *not* a threat.

Aye. At first, I was disheartened to be bashed so repeatedly by LOAF and TyeDyeBoy and ace and several others. I then realized that sometimes I could be a pompous jackass who should re-read and edit what he posts. A lot of the time, I mean to come across as a jackass with a point, but I think I need to sharpen my skills a bit more. I'm going a bit dull.

Plus, you have to realize that, despite LOAF's repeated jabs at me, he still invited me to DragonCon this year, which should say something.
but true ghost very true, star trek has reached a new low, i think it is the only time i have ever seen a show plagerize another show in the exact same universe made by the same people, if B5 was to come out and the new LotR ship was what is currently NX-01 Enterprise (that is if enterprise the show didn't exist) b5 would have it's a** sued for plagerizing the akira.

now i must moderate my former statement. i think that the abandomware thing is correct, it should be stoped immediately. what i do not like is the fact that before the summer, i had only seen 2 people banned, 1 was that guy who started WC marines who was flaming left and right, the other was me, but that was for about 5 seconds, due to a missunderstanding. Now I have seen a much larger number of peeps banned, perhaps it is just that the newer people here are bigger jerks than people of my "generation" of Czers, ie peeps who joined sometime around the begining of the year, were/are, or perhaps it is because the admins have become more strict, yet it is still the case regardless of what caused it. Likewise the number of threads closed is much higher on a per month basis than before, or at least it feels that way.

about the "Freespace vs WCP sales" thread, if it is what it appears to be, a question about the comparative sales and nothing more I really do not see that it is violating the vs thread because rather than asking for a subjective view on a subject, ie which is better, it is asking which of the two sold better which has an objective and factual answer.

OK i have said my peace, im outie
Originally posted by Ghost
Why did you said that about Star Trek? that was unnecesary.
Don't take the comment to seriously. But yeah, It didn't have aything to do with the topic (although I'm still appaled at the levels Star Trek Voyager went). But I guess that was unnecessary and against the purpose of the post.
I recently watched the finale of ST DS9. It was anticlimactic and I was a bit disappointed. But the real message is, in order to enjoy Star Trek you have to be able to turn off your brain and simply accept what they feed you. If you can't do that, then just forget about Trek and play more WC :D
Sad really. I really liked DS9's atmosphere and characters (except Worf. I'm sorry, that was just completely shameless, bringing him into it) so I too was a little disappointed in the end.
The reason why I perservered with ST DS9 was that I too liked the characters and cheery atmosphere. Quite a contrast to B5. And there was nothing wrong with bringing Worf into it. The episode where he marries Jedzia (sp?) was a highlight. Anyway IMHO when writing the finale it seemed like they hadn't thought anything out and so quickly tacked something together. Oh well...
Lets not start on Dax, ok? I tend to get people PO'd at me because I thought that Dax#2 was a hell of a lot cuter than the original. Though, don't get me wrong, shes good lookin too!
*L* yeah, Terry Ferrel ended up much like Marina Sertis... cast as the brains, and ending up as the 'chick'.
Oh MAN, DS9 deBoer.... she's HOT! (I don't watch much ST, so I don't know who she acts for, but it is the girl who keeps changing host bodies if you know what I mean)

And this is soooo off-topic :D

Zim (Who has been recently promoted, thanks.)
Verbal vomit...

Originally posted by Saturnyne
*L* yeah, Terry Ferrel ended up much like Marina Sertis... cast as the brains, and ending up as the 'chick'.
My, how nice of TNN to give us a barrel-full of new clichés to spew as though they were gospel.
Originally posted by Napoleon
but true ghost very true, star trek has reached a new low, i think it is the only time i have ever seen a show plagerize another show in the exact same universe made by the same people, if B5 was to come out and the new LotR ship was what is currently NX-01 Enterprise (that is if enterprise the show didn't exist) b5 would have it's a** sued for plagerizing the akira.

How can you possibly include Babylon 5, plagiarizing and the acronym LotR in such a statement while keeping a straight face?
Originally posted by LeHah
Lets not start on Dax, ok? I tend to get people PO'd at me because I thought that Dax#2 was a hell of a lot cuter than the original. Though, don't get me wrong, shes good lookin too!

I preferred Dax#2 as well. I thought they did a nice job with her character as a whole, especially as the unprepared, mostly unwilling recipient of the Dax symbiant. DS9 was the best of the bunch, imho because it had that darker edge. The other Treks have that antispetic feel to them. In additionit didn't always wrap up the issues brought up during an episode just before the credits rollled. I like DS9 for many of the same resons I feel WCIV was the best game in the series, at least from a story POV. Had to ground the post with at least a token WC reference :)
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

How can you possibly include Babylon 5, plagiarizing and the acronym LotR in such a statement while keeping a straight face?

I would like to see him try! :D
well first Babylon 5 was IMHO the best scifi show of the 90's

second, i do not recall Tolkien copywriting LotR

third, dax #2 was cuter, dax #1 was cut, dax #1 had a better character, dax #2 had a good but not as good character. I personally consider the two of them the best of all the "trek babes" don't get me wrong Jeri Ryan is hot, but she just didn't have the character to go with it
Originally posted by LeHah
Aye. At first, I was disheartened to be bashed so repeatedly by LOAF and TyeDyeBoy and ace and several others.

You forgot to mention me. I'm hurt. :(

Plus, you have to realize that, despite LOAF's repeated jabs at me, he still invited me to DragonCon this year, which should say something.

Why, LOAF? Why?
One last post on the original topic of this thread, and you can all go back to mouthing off Star Trek and the likes.

I have to say, most of the people who tried to contradict my words raised some valid points. This CZ is ceratainly not the worst of boards, although I, myself, don`t visit too many other message boards, so I don`t have that much to compare with.

You will have to agree, though, that this place has changed a bit in the last few months, and the atmosphere has become polluted a bit. I tried to put my finger on a few aspects, but I guess there are reasons for most anything I said is problematic.
The freespace thread simply pissed me off, and things that have accumilated over the past few months simply burst at the moment.
In the end, I am not going to tell the admins how to run this board, but this place is beginning to disappoint me a little.
This only means, that like many other people who used to post here, I, too, am becoming kind of obsolete, and I will be seen less here.

OK, you may return to your topic drift. :)
Re: Verbal vomit...

Originally posted by Frosty

My, how nice of TNN to give us a barrel-full of new clichés to spew as though they were gospel.

TNN didn't issue the statement, Marina Sertis did.
Re: Re: Verbal vomit...

Originally posted by Saturnyne
TNN didn't issue the statement, Marina Sertis did.
Nice way to miss the point there, Bucko.

By the way, there's no E in Sirtis.
In the end, I am not going to tell the admins how to run this board, but this place is beginning to disappoint me a little.

But... you just did tell us how to run the CZ. Repeatedly.

You are welcome to post here, you're welcome to leave. It's your choice -- there's nothing special about people who've been here longer... if they want to leave because they don't like the newer people, and everyone will be treated exactly the same. There's no CZ law that says you have to waste our bandwith <G>

second, i do not recall Tolkien copywriting LotR

Then you do not recall correctly -- it was a major published work, of course it was copywrited. If it weren't, it would be in the public domain and anyone who wanted to could print it. But even if that were true, (and it very clearly is *not* true) it would *not* be an excuse for Babylon 5 to rip it off mercilessly <G>