Adding guns to SO?


Vice Admiral
In actually adding a new gun to S.O instead of just modifying an existing gun do you just add to the bullet.iff and WCPEDIT? Or Is there more to it than just that? Also what about the hud images How do you add a new hud image different from what is in the Generic S.O files. I know there just MAT's but in the ship files what would I be looking for?
As I told you once, HUD images are just mat files that are referenced to in the ship file (see tutorial at Killerwave's site). So to add new hud images, you add a new mat, and reference to it in the ship file.

You can't add new guns, IIRC.
Right. But What I mean is it seems they reference as a number in the ship file.


long 2
long 25 //ship id, "determines the vdu pic and ship name long 0"

I only figured out how to reference the excalibur by looking at the original excalibur ship file. and copying the numbers.

what does the 25 and 2 mean? Like what is 25 is that ship slot?

Unless I'm missing the numbers somewhere, is there a breakdown of what numbers are what?
The 25 is just an index number... these numbers start at an offset that I don't remember (900 maybe?), but surely if you have found the mat number that corresponds to 25 (for example), you know which mat number corresponds to 24, and 125, and 225, and any other number. :p There's really nothing more to it.

As for the first number, it is the ship's role, I think. Either that or the number of the formation it uses. Do some checking in original SO ships and try to figure out the pattern - bombers, corvettes and fighters each have a different "role" number so the AI knows how that ship is supposed to act.

If they are formation numbers, those are just a reference to formation patters found in frmation.iff (or something like that).