abnormal swabbie action?

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Originally posted by Penguin
Quarto: I suppose that explains why Confed must fight with every new alien race it encounters :( Thankfully its only a game :)
Actually, Confed only fights every second race it encounters :p.
Originally posted by Happy
im still relatively new to the board, but it seems like we've had an abnormal number of newly demoted swabbies' as of late. is that normal, or is just abunch of arguementative people find this place and pass it on?

I post the question again, LOAF. (Chip and Bob)
The answer is simple: It's been a long time coming.

LOAF bans people when they deserve it.
This is irritating. Certain people seem to be having difficulty grasping the concept of an administration. They do not answer to you. They do not answer to anyone. It's their board, they can do whatever pleases them. It's neither your place to question them nor to expect answers to your questions. So stop. If something's really bugging you, e-mail them about it.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
Certain people seem to be having difficulty grasping the concept of an administration. They do not answer to you. They do not answer to anyone. It's their board, they can do whatever pleases them.
This is more like a dictatorship you're describing. "This is our island, and as long as you're staying here you're going to do as we say, or we will punish you". Of course there are rules, of course the need to be respected. But when someone is punished for breaking a rule, the public would like to know why he was punished, and for what, administration should not be some kind of remote power that leaves its underlings in the dark.
It's neither your place to question them nor to expect answers to your questions. So stop. If something's really bugging you, e-mail them about it.
Nobody's questioning anytyhing. Nobody is telling the admins they aren't doing their job. What we are asking, is that if something happens as radical as the banishment of one of the members, is to provide an explanation of the reasons of such a decision. That's what a Chat Zone is for after all, dialogue...

And after all, we've all got something in common here, we're like on big family, we all like Wing Commander. So if a family member is excluded, we are just expected to shut up and carry on with our lives without knowing why?
As the rules state, anything regarding the management of the board is to be taken up *VIA E-MAIL*.

We've been nice and left this thread open for a while now, but now it's descending into sensationalist crap that isn't good for anyone. Board moderation isn't as important as either of you seem to imply.

I'd be happy to talk about board policy in *private* -- and by talk about I mean *discuss*... not simply serve as a service so you can gawk at the scene of an accident.
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