A Well Rounded Starlancer Review at Well-Rounded (March 17, 2000)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
Well Rounded lived up to its name and put together a pretty balanced Starlancer review. It has plenty of Wing Commander references too. You can find the article here.While Starlancer is a truly entertaining experience, it does suffer from a "been there, done that" malaise. Despite changes in the storytelling style and enemy, the game at this point really feels like another chapter from the Wing Commander book. There's not a lot of innovation immediately apparent, which is somewhat disappointing when you consider the brilliant minds at Digital Anvil and how long they've had to work on the game. At this point, Starlancer is a lot like a Twinkie. You have a damn good time when you're consuming it, but when you're done, you're no more satiated than you were when you opened the package.For some reason I really like this Twinkie comparison. I should compare more stuff to baked goods.

Original update published on March 17, 2000
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