A Team of Mulvericks (December 17, 2008)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
An alert reader by the name of Pekka came across a Wing Commander reference while strolling through Worlds of Warcraft (or: a world of Warcraft?) - an NPC named Wing Commander Mulverick. What's Wing Commander's connection to Azeroth? Wing Commander fan and developer J. Allen Brack is curently the games's producer! No doubt that's where Mulverick came from. Here he is:

Original update published on December 17, 2008
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There is also a Human named Wing Commander Ichman (Iceman).

In the Alterac Valley Battleground if you free your sides Wing Commmander they will perform a bombing run against the enemy if your side turns in 30 Frostwolf Commander's Medals (Ichman)/Stormpike Commander's Flesh (Mulverick).

At the Dragonmaw Base camp in Shadowmoon Valley players can perticpaite in a series of races of increasing difficulty. Two of the racers are Mulverick and Ichman.

Although they're names are more likely a Top-Gun reference than a Wing-Commander one: During the race against Mulverick he suddenly buzzes a tower near the end ala Top Gun (this causes many failures from people not expecting it).