A quick graphics question about Thrakhath in WC2


Rear Admiral
Is there any scene in Wing Commander 2 (including the add-ons) that show Thrakhath in his ceremonial garb at a distance from the front so that you can see his chest and legs? I remember a cutscene where he is momentarily captured in Special Operations 1, but I think there he had a more practical attire.
In that scene, he is just in the same sort of flight suit that Hobbes is portrayed in. I cannot recall for certain if there are any at-distance shots of him in the regular Kilrathi scenes or not.
I don't believe so. Isn't he only shown from the side in the WC2 intro? Although there maybe a few frames of him facing forwards...
We do see him facing the camera in the intro, but he's drawn in silhouette instead of the full-colour sprite. And he's shrouded in his cape.
Last time i wanted to watch that SO scene i mostly saw Tolwyn and others talking with his "voice". Don't remember if Thrakhath's sprite was even among them. Does the WC2 patch fix this?
The scene with Thrakhath aboard the Bonnie Heather in SO1 is indeed buggy, Thrakhath is often replaced with some other sprite. The most common ones I recall are Major Edmond and Maverick, but I can't recall anyone seeing Tolwyn instead. Though I wouldn't be surprised.
Thanks for the information. I'll just look at Thrakhath's backside and shoulders and extrapolate from there then.
There are some similarities, but I wouldn't call it the same outfit. Still, I suppose I can apply some elements to help fill in the blanks.
I got to that notoriously buggy cutscene in my gameplay lately, and the results were indeed interesting.

Uhh, wow. I had no idea there were art assets for this in the game.


  • so1bug.png
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Yeah, some of the talking heads have versions with no clothes. Full frontal nudity, all the way down to three pixels below the neckline :p.

Not sure why they were done like this - possibly, it's because some characters put in out-of-uniform appearances (e.g., Spirit in her robe), and maybe it was easier for the artist to draw the robes on top of actual shoulders. Or maybe they were just bored? Who knows.
This particular scene is known for being very buggy. I don't recall ever seeing a naked bust version of anyone - only ever saw uniformed ones - but I agree with Q's assessment.
That scene used to screw up for me all the time, usually gave me Bluehair's angry face on Thrak's body.

Never saw Major Edmond arrive full frontal though...
Heh, funny :). I never got a bare shoulder character it's mostly floating heads for me in that cutscene, sometimes mixed faces.
Maybe she just got outta the shower n there was some emergency situation and she had togo back to her post but the Ultra Awesome Clothes Drawer 6000 wasn't working to well and she said "Screw It, We're all Military people here!" n just went for the gusto
Heh, funny :). I never got a bare shoulder character it's mostly floating heads for me in that cutscene, sometimes mixed faces.

Yeah the floating head one brought me back to the TV show 3,2,1 contact on PBS... i seem to recall some freaky floating head on that show too... sketchy.
Maybe she just got outta the shower n there was some emergency situation and she had togo back to her post but the Ultra Awesome Clothes Drawer 6000 wasn't working to well and she said "Screw It, We're all Military people here!" n just went for the gusto

Hahahahaha.... Show of hands, who here could see Jason doing that?