I first saw Wing Commander I in a advert in a PC magazine in 1991 and was hooked. It took me almost two years to get enough to buy a PC that could run the game. I bought the game and a flight stick on the same day that I bought my first computer. Can't remember what the name of the stick was, probably some cheap Taiwanese junk because I got so wrapped up in the action that I broke the stick on the third day of playing. After gluing it back together and making sure I did not over stress the stick I enjoyed hours of flight in Wing Commander I and II.
I was a poor pilot then (Hell ! has it been that long ago- almost 20 years) and completing a mission was a great achievement. I dare say that I have improved since then.
Wing Commander was the very first game that I bought and since then have spent money on over 500 different ones. A few of these games have stood the test of time but Wing Commander I will always be the one that started it all.
I later bought Wing commander III , IV and after that Prophecy. The original WC 5.25 disks later became unusable and so I lost contact with the first Wing Commander games (pre-CD). The whole collection was gathering dust untill late 2009 when I came across a WC: Kilrathi Saga at a store and immediately bought it.
This prompted me to start replaying the whole series from the very start. And at least it was slightly easier this time around.
However when I came to WCIV to my horror I found that disk one had a scratch right through the surface rendering the cd useless. I could not run the game as there were read errors. I tried a lot of cd recovery software and managed to make a copy of the CD.
All this brings me to the question?
In my country making a copy of the CD is prohibited. Thus technically I am guilty of Piracy. Seeing that I am a Police Officer investigating such kinds of crimes does that make me corrupt?
Oops there goes the can of worms.....
I was a poor pilot then (Hell ! has it been that long ago- almost 20 years) and completing a mission was a great achievement. I dare say that I have improved since then.
Wing Commander was the very first game that I bought and since then have spent money on over 500 different ones. A few of these games have stood the test of time but Wing Commander I will always be the one that started it all.
I later bought Wing commander III , IV and after that Prophecy. The original WC 5.25 disks later became unusable and so I lost contact with the first Wing Commander games (pre-CD). The whole collection was gathering dust untill late 2009 when I came across a WC: Kilrathi Saga at a store and immediately bought it.
This prompted me to start replaying the whole series from the very start. And at least it was slightly easier this time around.
However when I came to WCIV to my horror I found that disk one had a scratch right through the surface rendering the cd useless. I could not run the game as there were read errors. I tried a lot of cd recovery software and managed to make a copy of the CD.
All this brings me to the question?
In my country making a copy of the CD is prohibited. Thus technically I am guilty of Piracy. Seeing that I am a Police Officer investigating such kinds of crimes does that make me corrupt?
Oops there goes the can of worms.....