3D Printed Privateer ships.

Hi Guys.

Just joined, but have been on the site lots of times during the years. :)

I played WC1 and then Privateer in the 90`s and was totally hooked at the time....just loved the games.
I recently gave Privateer a go again. and got hooked again. Im actually following the game plot this time, instead of just flying around blowing up stuff :p

Anyway, 2 years ago I got my first 3d printer, and now im on my third , and got everything sorted out.....it is a hobby in itself, and is just not plug and play yet.....

I found the Privateer ships : Centurion, and the Tarsus, and the Galaxy class freighter.

I have printed the Centurion, and in the progress of filling and sanding it, and Im also printing parts for the Tarsus.

I think these models look great, and just wanted to share some pictures of what I have got to so far.

Anyone else print WC models ?

The 3D models I am printing


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haha, Tarsus, dont know how I got that wrong..... :)
Fixed it.

I downloaded the models from thingverse in the 3 links above, and used meshmixer to cut them up to suite my printer.
That's a nice looking Centurion. I actually came across Astrofossil's Thingverse collection not that long ago. He's got a pretty nice assortment of ships there though I wouldn't know much about the quality of individual files or anything.
Thanks guys.

Find someone who has a a3D printer near you, and get it printed .
They take a few days to print and will require some time to finish too.

I have not printed anything of the Galkaxy yet.


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Are these pla, abs? What are you using to smooth the prints out? just sanding ? or something else like acetone?
Its PLA, so Acetone wont work on this. Besides, it dulls the details.
I have not fine tuned the process yet, but giving it primer, and then a couple of coats of inexpensive polyeruthane clear, seems to fill the surface nice before sanding, then painting.
It does take ome work.

Front section
