3072x2304 photos from private collection


Each photo is high-quality one and is taken by 7.2m digital camera. If you feel like having a picture in fantastic resolution (3072x2304), simply write a letter to me with picture code name! I'll send it to you completely free of charge.

I'm a filthy spammer!
I believe "I don't care what I'm looking at as long as it's 3072x2304" is exactly the problem with the internet in 2006.
Maj.Striker said:
Just out of curiosity, what was the pictures of? That's a big resolution...

A bunch of eastern european looking buildings.
Maveric said:
I'm sure they were eastern european...but buildings I am sure they were not!:)

haha.... But honestly I saw it before thinks were changes, and as sad as it sounds the pictures were seriously of buildings. Who the hell would pay for pictures of buildings, and not very interesting eastern european ones at that.
Considering it's illegal (or going to be, given how many photographers get threatened by officials) to take photos of bridges and other public places in the US, well, maybe the only buildings we can take photos of are from Eastern Europe?
it is (or will be) illegal to take pictures in the US? wow. that reminds me of the 3 stooges when they go to that country where camera's are illegal and taking pictures or owning a camera is a crime punishable by death.
Iceman16 said:
it is (or will be) illegal to take pictures in the US? wow. that reminds me of the 3 stooges when they go to that country where camera's are illegal and taking pictures or owning a camera is a crime punishable by death.

I don't believe there are any laws against it, but a tourist of Arabic descent sure got into a lot trouble when he took pictures of a few American landmarks. I can't remember if he actually intended to committ acts of terrorism though.
Bandit LOAF said:
Stop being idiots.

Why are we being idiots? It's a valid point.
And anyway, it's only becuase the american government is worried that the photos will be used for terrorism, and who can blame them? Except maybe thwy are going a little over the top...
What, if they see japanese tourists taking pictures of landmarks will they think it's round 2 of pearl harbour?
Maveric said:
What, if they see japanese tourists taking pictures of landmarks will they think it's round 2 of pearl harbour?

I think stuff like this is what LOAF's refering to...
Given how tourists gawk at boring office buildings here, I bet there's good business in selling them high-quality pictures of more boring office buildings.