2-3? 3-3?


Rear Admiral
I've a quick question regarding Privateer. Is it better to have a shield generator lvl. 2 with an engine upgrade lvl 3? That's how I have it now on my Centurion cause I'm not on RF yet. I notice my shields will go down halfway occasionally when I"m firing guns and afterburning at the same time. But if I get a lvl 3 shield generator, will it generate shields faster just at the expense of afterburners and guns? Because I've tried going 3-3 and I really can't tell if it's making a difference or not. Meh?
Some people say go Shields 2 with Engine 3, but I don't. Just max out everything. Shields 3 and Engines 3. You can select to reduce shields by a third (or two thirds), so you might as well give yourself options. You might usually keep shields at 2/3rds so you can dogfight and afterburn.. but say you find yourself in an asteroid rich system. You're gonna want the option to go full shields.
And let's say I've got shields 2 engines 3, do you know what the maximum speed is that I can take a hit from an asteroid with only my shields hit and armor untouched?
I still prefer 4 tachs on my centurion than the fusion, not as power hungry yet still delivering good punch and range.

Otherwise I max out everything else, I mean why not you've got the money right?
for my centurion, I like to have shields 3 (you can take them down like Chris said) engines 3, rear turret with dual mass driver (nice punch for the little power drain), one torp launcher(their like dumfire but are more powerful) and one missle launcher full of imrecs or heatseekers (they actually didnt suck much in priv!), and for the frontal guns, two tachs on the outside and two plasma on the inside (they pack a VERY nice punch, especially on those damned retros I always seem to run into :) ). oh and the good armour (the stuff that costs 1500 credits), and of course afterburners. I usually use most of my juice on afterburner, leaves a little for guns, but they recharge quickly.
I go for 3-3 in regards of shield vs engines. If lvl 3 shields use up too much energy you can always toggle them down to grade 2 (albeit not up unless you are playing RF). Also if you are extremely short on energy the ship will automatically take 1/3 of your shield energy. So it really isn't all that hindering IMHO.

But then I am all for extremely thick shields (even if they recharge fairly slow) and for hard hitting weapons (even if they fire slow).

I tend to go hybrid in classical P1 (all fusion in RF of course). That is plasma for the inner two guns and tachs for the outer ones. On the upside this gives quite some more punch then tachs alone, but needing far less energy then plasma alone. On the downside the guns aren't as compatible as I'd like (fire ratio and distance wise).
Obviously you're going to get the best armor you can get. It's not like the cheaper ones slow you down or anything. But the only reason I had the turret was for a tractor beam. Having guns on it just seemed useless you me. And mass drivers in Privateer hardly packed a prod. But at any rate, I will definately get the lvl. 3 shields. I also usually prefer tachyon guns but in RF just because I have all that money by then I'll get those fission ones.

Did anyone find out about those asteroids?
Maniac II said:
He probably maxed out on sugar and WC...

Well it's like he capitalized the last word and not the first and badly needed at least one comma in there somewhere.

I just pictured him all foaming at the mouth and having these mild seizures while screaming out curse words involuntarily. That's how that whole sentence sounded to me.

Actually I just thought of something else. I pictured him at his keyboard screaming like the GI Joe does in this cartoon: http://www.fenslerfilm.com/movies/PSAsmall/FenslerFilm_PSA12_small.mpg
Doesn't anyone other than me go one level less for shields than engine generators? I really like extra power for afterburning and shooting. People may complain about weak shields then, but maybe you shouldn't get shot so much. :)
In Righteous Fire I bought the lvl. 4 shield generator but my display still has the three circles in it. How do I know if I'm generating at lvl. 4?
Holland is always losing the big games. They're good and all, but never win any important competitions.

Powel 99 always writes like that, it's pretty sad.

The number of circles is not the lvl of the shield, but its power setting. one third, two thirds and full.
Personally, I do the 2/3 thing (3/4 in RF). I like being able to just boogie the hell out of Dodge on burners without sucking the cap dry (resulting in having to let off AB to charge it back up, and losing the speed advantage a maxed Centurion has on many ships), and dislike having to fart around with shield settings or having to wait for them to charge when shifting up to the next shield strength level.
Shipgate said:
Well it's like he capitalized the last word and not the first and badly needed at least one comma in there somewhere.

I just pictured him all foaming at the mouth and having these mild seizures while screaming out curse words involuntarily. That's how that whole sentence sounded to me.

Actually I just thought of something else. I pictured him at his keyboard screaming like the GI Joe does in this cartoon: http://www.fenslerfilm.com/movies/PSAsmall/FenslerFilm_PSA12_small.mpg
Screw you too! This is bad for my health, also I have Dislexia so I'm sorry it's not like I have to pay for it in school. It is one thing to be made fun by some ass in school but to be made fun of by people who don't know me is awful. Really Awful. :mad: