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  1. G

    Star Citizen guild- oops, I mean squadron...

    Just as a heads up, there is a Wing Commander tribute org out there called Terrain Confederation. I stumbled across them the other night. I think their org is
  2. G

    Opening Day for WC: New Horizon MUSH

    Well, I came on here to promote Rince's game, but apparently he went ahead and did my job for me. This game has been built by a few very dedicated members of the Wing Commander community with the intention to continue to evolve the WC Universe. I highly suggest that if you are even remotely...
  3. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Those of you former Red Horizon players out there that have facebook: It's the Wing Commander: Red Horizons Alumni page.
  4. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    For space flight? We're a mix of real time and turn based, but when all of the revisions are made, I believe Rince and Co are looking to go purely turn based.
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    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Sounds good, Rogue. Eventually I'll start a new thread concerning Wing Commander: Red Horizon when we start trying to get players involved. For now, feel free to stop by and check us out.
  6. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Hah no. I was deployed too much. Between deployments, I was attending army courses. Anyhow, we've had a max connection of 10 players so far (that's... Right now). A far cry from the 108 maximum way back when, but it's something. Anyone reading this who happened to used to play on Wing...
  7. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Hello all! Good what, two year hiatus? Well the bad news is I gave up. The good news is that people can now try connecting at: port 2197
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    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Haha sloppy, you're right it's basically dead there. x sometimes unidles to say something but for the most part I'm the only one who occasionally sometimes every once in awhile logs on. I just checked out Decius's site and the game appears to be decently active. Looks like they've decided to...
  9. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Still alive and kickin'! I see a few people are still really interested in this project. Looks cool. Hi JJ, I remember you from back then, if vaguely. Sorry to take so long to reply to everyone, I'm presently getting back into the swing of things post-deployment. I rarely connect to RH...
  10. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Maverick, that won't be the case for a game like Wing Commander. And the answer is simple: Limit where they can start out at, encourage the players to group together and do things together, drop plots on peoples' heads and put them in places you want them. :) And Concordia, in case you...
  11. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    I've discussed the issue of the space system with several people over the past and the consensus is roughly the same as yours concerning the space system. There have been several suggestions for 'a better way' one of which is the system coded for one of the Battlestar games. It's basically a...
  12. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    So it's been several months and no one has heard from me. I know... I know. I was deployed during that time and had little chance to continue my project dream until now. I'm looking to get back to work again here very soon. I'll keep this site updated. To El Huz: The two other Wing...
  13. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    All right, who wants an update? You do?! Well here are a couple of updates: For all you old Wing Commander: Red Horizon junkies, I bring you this: Wing Commander: Red Horizon 2197 Rincewind and x run this site at the moment. x mentioned recently that he may be...
  14. G

    Wing Commander: Desperation

    Oh bother, I neglected to re-re-reread my series of shorts until it was too late to edit. The carrier at the top is a Bengal-class utility carrier and it's the TCS Marshall, not the CVS Marshall.
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    Wing Commander: Desperation

    (Definitely a working title. I reread what I wrote and figured that Desperation was the best phrase to sum things up) ** John Cutter sat in the cockpit of the ancient Scimitar class fighter in silence as he listened to the other pilots begin calling in their flight status. He smiled...
  16. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Both questions Answered: Red Horizons was a text based game based off of the theme of Wing Commander. At the very beginning, the game ran fairly close to canon, but the staff wanted to allow the players to shape the game based off of what actually took place on the MUSH. The game, if I...
  17. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Good stuff Pip. So, I'll be looking into possibly using other code for the Economy system or possibly not one at all. Also, I love you for using the line I suggested. :) (in a manly way) So, an update: I've had several people express interest, so I'm definitely going to go ahead and...
  18. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Someone asked me earlier today about why I wanted the old Wing Commander: Red Horizons code. It's simple: From what I saw of it, the economy system that was set up simply couldn't be beat. Another question that has come up: Who was I on Wing Commander. Well, I've been known as several...
  19. G

    Wing Commander MUSH revival?

    Ahem, I didn't want to toss this in the projects section as it isn't exactly a project yet, just something I'd like to discuss before I dip my toes into the water so to speak. For several years now, I’ve occasionally heard idle talk of ‘reliving the glory days’ or ‘I wish there was a MUSH as...
  20. G

    I miss Mushing

    Falcon? J.T. Falcon? So yeah, been snooping around the net lately, trying once more to find a game that had the draw, the appeal, and all the emotions that were wrapped up in the old Wing Commander RH series today... It's sad really. I mean, I've grown up a lot over the years. Been in...