Search results

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    Subway Series 2K! (Sorry if this is too off topic)

    Well, as some of you may know, the Yankees won last night znd now, for the first time since 1946, there will be a subway series. The last one was the Dodgers vs. the Yankees. Sorry if this is too of topic, but this is gonna be a really cool World Series this year. DeltaKiller
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    WCIV DVD vs. CD

    Just a question here to anyone who has played the Wing Commander 4 DVDs and the WC4 CDs. How are the graphics in the DVDs? Are they better (like do they work with 3d cards and stuff) or are they just the same WC4 game, just condenced onto a few CDs? Thanks for your time, -=DeltaKiller=-
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    End of the War

    Forgive my ignorance, but could someone tell me the exact date of the end of the Kilrathi war? Thanks -=DeltaKiller=-
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    How do I edit my own posts or replys? I hate double posting and I don't like doing it when I make a typo.
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    I'd just like to know

    Does anyone here read Sluggy Freelance?
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    Wing Commander reality

    Sometimes, I think about the Wing Commander world, and it is almost impossible for some us to fathom what a life full of war is. All of humanity was at war for fourty years, at that length, there was only one option left for both sides, win the war, no matter what the cost. Many of us have...
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    I'm trying to piece togeather a Wing Commander costume. I looked at the "Where to Buy" section of the links, and it has been somewhat helpful. I plan of getting myself a Pilgrim Cross. However there are other things that I would like to ask and see if anyone has any information. If you know...
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    RPGs anyone?

    I'm sure this has been asked before, but I've seen a number of new faces here and felt like asking it again, if no one minds. Anyone out there play any role playing games? I don't mean just like Final Fantasy, I mean live action like Dungeons and Dragons, Shadowrun or Vampire: The Masqurade(sp...
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    What happened?

    What happened to the Message Board to crash is this past day or so?
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    Darwin Awards

    Well, the subject on "Let's trade War stories" has gone to the most stupid things done in the cockpit, so I figured "What the hell, make a new thread." For those of you who don't know, the Darwin Awards are awarded to those of us who are so stupid, we convienently remove ourselves from the gene...
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    Questions about "Jumping"

    Hi, here's a few questions that I've been pondering for some time that I'd like to get of my chest. If anyone has ANY ideas, please respons, I'd really appreciate any information. BTW, my posting has a LONG preamble before I get to the questions, so please be patient. Ok, we all know the...
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    Remember the time. . .

    Does anyone out there remember when they first started playing Wing Commander? I'm talking about back when the first one came out. I remember that I was about 10 years old and that I really sucked. I think that my first callsign was 'Warloard'. Anyway, I think that's it's interesting to see...