Recent content by Sapphir7

  1. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    I understand, Klauss, what you’ve pointed out ‘that I should try to match the language to the intention’. - On the other hand, by matching the language to the intention, I would be invalidating the laconic factor which spiritually is the basic property of the prophetic language. You wrote that...
  2. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi AD, Wrote: "..Don't ask a fundamentaly religious question and pretend its not." The Word that became flesh IS the WAY and the TRUTH. The lamb did not follow religion. For every religion is an imposed doctrine. I asked a question. Not a fundamentaly religious [imposed...
  3. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi Sphynx, Wrote: “..loving the Eternal and loving other people.. ..not sure if the tone of mysterious condescendence you are using necessarily fits that second goal very well..” The treasure was already hidden in that field of eternal words, and if I hide the treasure once more...
  4. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi Iceman16, The Darkest Dawn. [Regarding music, I like the rhythms of impact; Robert Plant-Ship of Fools, Jimmy Page-The Song Remains the Same, Celebration Day, In the Light; Pink Floyd-The Animals-the first 4 songs; Claim to Fame-Nazareth, and the Aerosmith's Crazy-Amazing-Nine...
  5. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi d3r3k, A Paraphrase of the scriptures; or transcriptions, are not Versions of the scriptures, but simply texts in which the original contents have been restored. The facts that I have stated have been never understood throughout Christianity; According to Christianity...
  6. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi dragoon, The seven numbered points were quoted from the cover of a book written on the outside and sealed within [spiritually sealed]. They are transcriptions of the prophecy attested in the last book of the scriptures. The number 1/2. represents the half of seven. Regarding what...
  7. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi d3r3k, Purpose: Put the facts in evidence. Style of writing: The most laconic as possible; not 'convincing', neither 'through faith' not even 'through believing'. I just put the facts in evidence. Not preaching. People with a certain level of understanding would have...
  8. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi t.c.cgi, Speaking plainly, Delusion: The lamb was indicted by Roman laws. Reality: Pilate’s words remained the same: “I find no basis for a charge against him.” Delusion: Pilate presided at a trial. Reality: A second trial would...
  9. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi Sphynx, I like to post something that people can respond to and relate to; - on the other hand, there are different levels of understanding, and many different worlds; that is why the lamb spoke to you in parables. If not to you, to who ever has ears to hear [or an initial sequence to...
  10. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    Hi, Not ignoring, just remaining off-topic in an Off-topic Zone. I might be movin' to a Non-complete-off-topic Zone soon, perhaps, if that is your wish. This is Non-religion; this is Nonfiction. Please allow me to offer my humble reverences to the Commander. 1.Per intimidare, the...
  11. S

    THE TABERNACLE of His body

    The Tabernacle of His body [the lamb's body]. Questions which only require a Yes or No answer. 1. Since the Tablets of the Testimony were kept in the Ark of the covenant, and the books of the Law upon it, in a most Holy place, and the fulfillness of...