Recent content by Icehawk

  1. I

    Privateer Remake 1.0 - Bugs

    You can buy the Broadsword (and other Confed ships) On the larger bases (Perry for example) when you get into the Righteous Fire part of the game (after you "beat" Privateer you get to continue. Sorry that is vague but don't want to get into spoilers) Sadly the Broadsword is currently very...
  2. I

    Privateer 2 The Darkening

    Aye Sir! ::Snaps a salutes and turns on his heel and marchs off muttering about admirals and why HE would never join the Privateer military :: :rolleyes:
  3. I

    Privateer 2 The Darkening

    I have the Windows 95 version trying to run it in WinXP (in emulation) have the speed down patch that works pretty well but am suffering from constant crashes which seem to be common from what I have read on different sites (crash alot try to run in moslo also) :( So a remake of the game...
  4. I

    Privateer 2 The Darkening

    Just wondering if there was any solid rumors of a remake for Privateer 2?
  5. I

    Cargo after buying ship?

    Sadly no. Have to be careful if you are on a merchant run do not buy (or transfer an owned) Ship as you will still show the cargo but the mission is gone (its ok if you are just doing a cargo run though)
  6. I

    Privateer Remake 1.0 - Bugs

    Acutally I do not think this a bug in the buggy sense (at least there is a certain twisted logic to it). Kitties LIKE IT when you kill other humans (Retros and Pirates hopefully, else shame on you) so since you are doing their job for them... as it were. You get better faction.