Zero in Mass Effect 2


Rear Admiral
I don't know if anyone noticed this yet but Adam Lazarre-White who played Zero in Wing Commander Prophecy and Secret Ops is Jacob Taylor in Mass Effect 2 one of the main characters in the game for those who haven't played it.
Yeah that's cool. We mentioned it in the news back when the game came out.
Crazy stuff. It's not exactly a common name, but I can imagine there being more than one Steven Petrarca in the world.
I don't know if anyone noticed this yet but Adam Lazarre-White who played Zero in Wing Commander Prophecy and Secret Ops is Jacob Taylor in Mass Effect 2 one of the main characters in the game for those who haven't played it.

I've got a question about this: Is he a voice-actor in Mass Effect 2 or does he actually appear in live-action footage? I only know that game from hearsay, so I don't know whether it includes live-action footage. (Today's games usually seem to have cutscenes in the game engine instead of seperate live-action or pre-rendered scenes.)

If he is just doing voice-overs, is his character's appearance modelled after how the voice actor looks? You know, they sometimes do that, think of Tolwyn in Wing Commander Academy or Xanatos in Gargoyles.
I don't know or care too much about Mass Effect (other than it's infamous for some sordid in-game scenes), but I'm fairly certain the cast are used for their voice talents. Aside from Command & Conquer, I don't think there have been many recent games featuring FMV.
I've got a question about this: Is he a voice-actor in Mass Effect 2 or does he actually appear in live-action footage? I only know that game from hearsay, so I don't know whether it includes live-action footage. (Today's games usually seem to have cutscenes in the game engine instead of seperate live-action or pre-rendered scenes.)

If he is just doing voice-overs, is his character's appearance modelled after how the voice actor looks? You know, they sometimes do that, think of Tolwyn in Wing Commander Academy or Xanatos in Gargoyles.

It's all voice work... The character may or may not have been modeled on him as well, but there's no pre-filmed footage in the Mass Effect games

I don't know or care too much about Mass Effect (other than it's infamous for some sordid in-game scenes), but I'm fairly certain the cast are used for their voice talents. Aside from Command & Conquer, I don't think there have been many recent games featuring FMV.

It's only "infamous" in the sense that what you are talking about was serious bad sensationalistic reporting by fox news. There's nothing more "Sordid" than you would find in a PG-13 movie but they reported it as you supposedly being able to control every minute detail of hardcore sex scenes.

Basically you can choose to persue romance subplots with some of the main characters similar to how you can choose Flint or Rachel in WC3 except at the end, instead of just kissing you get the previously mentioned relatively sanitized love scene. (The love interests change depending on if your character is male or female too).
The sexual affairs in Mass Effect are about as sordid as a child taking a naked Ken doll and a naked Barbie doll and smashing them together awkwardly for 15 seconds.

Which, I will point out that you can completely skip every time by choosing the "I'm really busy planning this whole SAVING THE GALAXY thing right now."