Wing Loader (KS/WCDX) Loader & Voice Over Mod

Ding ding ding! @Destro I've been watching more closely since my last post and happened to catch another sale! 99 cents each for the five games that hosts. That's better than the sale price when GOG discounts, and they're not even discounting these games right now. Links at
Nice. Thanks for the heads up. I'll check them out. You can never have too much Wing Commander. :P

thanks for your work on the Wing Loader.

Much appreciated! I dream that one day you can join forces with Stinger to improve on WCDX as well!


thanks for your work on the Wing Loader.

Much appreciated! I dream that one day you can join forces with Stinger to improve on WCDX as well!

Thank you. I'd like to take a look at WCDX some day, specifically for WC2 framerate. But not sure what I can do, we'll see.
Running into an issue and search did not yield result. I keep getting the following error when I attempt to run wing loader and patch it.

SE_Log: SE_EXE Failed to start process at C:\GOG Games\WingLoader\Wing Commander\wcpatch WC_KS.exe WC_wcdx.exe | 2 | Insure the File Location is correct.
SE_Log: SE_EXE Failed to start process at C:\GOG Games\WingLoader\Wing Commander\wcpatch SM1_KS.exe SM1_wcdx.exe | 2 | Insure the File Location is correct.
SE_Log: SE_EXE Failed to start process at C:\GOG Games\WingLoader\Wing Commander\wcpatch SM2_KS.exe SM2_wcdx.exe | 2 | Insure the File Location is correct.
SE_Log: SE_EXE Failed to start process at C:\GOG Games\WingLoader\Wing Commander\wcpatch Transfer_KS.exe Transfer_wcdx.exe | 2 | Insure the File Location is correct.

What am I doing wrong?
Have you extracted the contents of Wcdx to the root Wing Commander folder?
Nevermind I found and fixed it.

Strange request, is there a way to enable cheats?
Awesome. Also. Are you running v0.91? I thought I corrected the spelling of "Insure" with the Latest verson.:p

You can open the script file and look for
Run|Exe and wc_wcdx.exe and add the cheat flags after it. I'm not sure if this will work but worth a try.
So, since this is tweaking the KS release the old DOS cheats do not work FYI. Instead you have to modify the config files. Was just playing with that.
Now I just need to map my HOTAS to work with WC1+2.
So, since this is tweaking the KS release the old DOS cheats do not work FYI. Instead you have to modify the config files. Was just playing with that.
Now I just need to map my HOTAS to work with WC1+2.
Ah I see. I've never used cheats with the KS version... It sure would have made that mission passable. Lol.
Sure thing. I'll message them tomorrow and see if I can get them up and running. Cheers.
check the thread later the videos are now working perfectly, the only issue now is the black screen when choosing a dialogue option.
he fixed it

also @Destro i will ask about the SVGA Triple Buffer mode under the old 2.50 versions that delivered a Black Space color like WC4, 3do and Armada
it is something i shared here in the past
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Sure, but I cannot download the files. It says that there is an invalid certificate and is blocked. "Requested domain is not configured on this server."