Wing Commander Tactics Snakier Wip


Ok, my first attempt at a kilrathi ship. i'm not sure as to its canonity, since the clawmarks drawing are somewhat low on detail and hard to interpret in terms of height differences


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another questions was the hangar. as the engines are quite close together, i doubhted the hangar would be in the back like with the fralti or hakaga


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I'm not too sure about the accuracy either but it looks good to me. Brad probably has some reference pics of the Snakier from a bunch of different angles. I'm sure he'll come across this thread and post a link. ;)
glad you like it.

@ confed: it depends.
usually about a day for the mesh and a day or two for the skin.
you have to consider, though, that for nexus, all turrets need to be seperate objects, so they have their own model and high poly version for skinning and so on.
i'm working a lot with templates for the skins, e.g. pieces of a hangar deck or tubings and stuff. since i have it all for the confeds, it's a pretty fast job for them. for the kilrathi, i still have to create most templates
Hands down, best looking Snakeir model I've ever seen anywhere. I'm amazed over here- first grade stuff for shure.