Wing Commander Prophecy: Secret Ops Model Update Pack

Pity, my AMD is awesome, I sold my old 3rd gen Intel from 2012, got a new Ryzen 3600 with Msi gaming plus motherboard, just over a month now, I kept my MSi Amd Radeon RX-580 graphics card wich is around 3 years old now but it runs unbelievably well with the new system and new AMD drivers, I get full CPU boast on all 6 cores (4200Mhz) and the Ram at 3400Mhz with XMP profile, very stable is after a new bios update from Msi, very happy with my new setup and it was really not expensive,

I might build a second PC again dedicated to Wing Commander and older games and mods etc, my laptop is just too old now... might even just get rid of it...
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As I say I tend to avoid AMD as it interferes with work due to the high number of driver issues and not targeting PC. In this case though as PC is the target AMD would be the better card to develop with.

If I stumble by a cheap one I’ll look into it.
It's fine Pedro, I'd be happy if you could and I appreciate all your effort !

I don't have any driver issues besides the model pack, but its really no a problem at all : -)
It's fine Pedro, I'd be happy if you could and I appreciate all your effort !

I don't have any driver issues besides the model pack, but its really no a problem at all : -)

It doesn't work quite like that ;) The reliability of AMD drivers is only really a problem for developers, not end users. A commercial product will have been tested on all cards. It's also worse as this is OpenGL based and there aren't a lot of commercial products using OpenGL.
I already knew that Pedro, you already mentioned you don't have AMD hardware to see into it..will be cool to see it working later on my high end PC, that's all...
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So I played trough Prophecy with the new model pack, the alien ships looks especially good, Manta and Moray look more aggressive or alive, I like the little neon green bumps, looks like they stick out to infect you. :)

At Level 13, Blair gets upducted, there's that comm-station, I've noticed the difference especially on that mission, the station looks really good and stand out, looks like something really new...

the cap ships looks awesome, on the last levels especially, proper textures and detail now.

I started Secret Ops now,

Anyway my laptop turned out not so bad, I cleaned her up a bit, updated new Intel HD graphics drivers and optimized the settings, I can play both games properly without any lag or low FPS. luckily it has a HDMi output so I connected to my wide LED monitor, looks good with the standard 1366x768 laptop resolution. well at least good enough !
So I played trough Prophecy with the new model pack, the alien ships looks especially good, Manta and Moray look more aggressive or alive, I like the little neon green bumps, looks like they stick out to infect you. :)

At Level 13, Blair gets upducted, there's that comm-station, I've noticed the difference especially on that mission, the station looks really good and stand out, looks like something really new...

the cap ships looks awesome, on the last levels especially, proper textures and detail now.

I started Secret Ops now,

Anyway my laptop turned out not so bad, I cleaned her up a bit, updated new Intel HD graphics drivers and optimized the settings, I can play both games properly without any lag or low FPS. luckily it has a HDMi output so I connected to my wide LED monitor, looks good with the standard 1366x768 laptop resolution. well at least good enough !
Thanks! We've been working on a few unlimited updates as well as new Cerberus, Vesuvius, and some fixes to Midway. The new cerb and Vesuvius are making use of the dead capship code. It should punch up the cutscene where the St. Helen's gets it. Also going to finish the cruise ship and Dula 7
Thanks for the update, that sounds really cool, interesting for me with Prophecy/SOP game play, it's always fun, you quickly get hooked for more action and I always seem to find something I hadn't noticed before.
I downloaded the file and executed it. The installer looked for the game in the wrong directory. I was able to fix this. But one problem is still present: When I start the game I hear the in-game sounds, but the screen remains completely black.
does the game work without the MUP update ? are you running both Prophecy and Sectret Operations Pack(SOP ) or only SOP ?

at first I had trouble running the latest MUP on AMD graphics.
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To be able to answer the questions clearly, I have once again installed both games cleanly. Without MUP the game runs perfectly.

I made a strange observation: If I don't configure oglsetup.exe during setup, but try to do so after the installation is complete, oglsetup.exe refuses to save the configuration changes. (It's giving an error message instead, which you can see in the appendix.) If I perform the configuration during setup, I have no problems, not even with configuration changes after setup.

However, oglsetup.exe does not seem to accept the window mode setting. I have a completely black screen even though 'window mode' is activated.

I have a mobile version of the NVidia GTX 1050.

2019-12-29 13_44_15.png

2019-12-29 13_46_16.png
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I had similar error, your first error on another PC with Intel HD graphics, on my Laptop with similar Intel Graphics, the games works fine.

Have you tried the previous Enhancement pack, the older one, ver.1.2, this version worked with all hardware I tested it on.

Pedro, how hard can it be to borrow or purchase a cheap old AMD graphics card ?
Likely a permissions problem if you install prophecy within Program Files. Since Vista, permissions are quite tight within Program files. Try installing wcp in something like c:\games\ folder and add the mupdate after.
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I always install games in C:\Games. But seems to me too beeing a rights management problem.

Problems also arise if you run the OGLsetup.exe with elevated permissions (Run As Administrator) and the game not elevated, or vice-versa. Registry entries get placed in different parts of the registry. Try running both with same elevation level.
If it’s on a laptop with dual cards try going into Nvidia settings and forcing it to use a specific card. Also grab GeForce experience and make sure you have the latest drivers.

Panther: it’s hard to borrow one, they are unreliable for development so no one I know uses one and none of the old cards at work are AMD either. As I said I’ll try and find one or worst case purchase one but I don’t have a lot of free time, and if I did I also have the wciv remake on the go. That’s in a state which is blocking defiance’s progress and so where I’m likely to focus my efforts in the immediate future. I know it’s crappy but try the previous version of the dll.

PopsiclePete made OpenGlSetup.exe, he’s the man for those issues. He’s not been around so much lately however but I’ll ping him on discord.
Yippee! That was the right hint, @Pedro! I had to tell Windows via the NVidia control panel to use the graphics card. Now I can see something inside the game! But now to the next problem: The picture is only displayed correctly if I choose a resolution of 640x480. But I would like a resolution of 3000x2000. If I set this resolution, the picture is too big, so that it doesn't fit on the screen.