Wing Commander Privateer

Re: hehe yeah

Originally posted by Porcupine
Yeah, I have a hard time with the Scout as well... I need to bring down my shields to get it. Well, I guess a lot of the problem with killing the Scout is killing it just after you get your gun but before it jumps. Since you only have a second, you need your guns at maximum power to stand a chance to get him then.
Oh no, I kill it without getting the gun. That way, I have all the time in the world. :) Of course, I fail the mission, but it's only for fun, anyway.
how to befriend everyone in Privateer

I just created a new info file for Privateer, check it out. :)

Wing Commander Privateer friendliness table

So, from that file you learn: 1) killing tons and tons of Retros is the best way to befriend everyone in the galaxy except Kilrathi, 2) killing a few Confeds will allow you to befriend the Kilrathi but make sure you've killed enough Retros to appease the Confederation, 3) killing groups besides the Retros generally brings down your overall standing with the various groups, so try to kill only Retros whenever possible. Alternately killing groups like Pirates/Bounty Hunters eventually makes everyone your enemy although it's a quick way to befriend one group if you don't care about the other, 4) certain ship types are better to kill than others, if you must kill Confed try to kill Broadswords, if you must kill Kilrathi try to kill Dralthi, if you must kill Bounty Hunters try to kill Centurions, etc.

And, here is the last cool thing. I didn't directly test this example so it's not guaranteed to work but I tested similar examples and they worked. If you kill ~6400 Retros, their hatred of you will grow to such extreme levels that it will overflow with negativity at about -32000 friendliness points...and suddenly loop around to +32000 friendliness points! This is how computers work and I've seen it happen with other groups when I was messing with my savefiles (I can edit my savefile to make everyone my friend including Retros). Then you can kill another 6400 Retros or so before they once again become your enemy.

Fortunately, killing 6400 Retros will only cause your friendliness points with other groups to be +6400. If a group becomes too friendly towards you, at about +32000, and you make them friendlier still they will suddenly become your mortal enemies at -32000 friendliness points! But you can fix it by killing some of the idiots off to lower their friendliness back down and make them positively friendly again. :) Weird, huh?
That's some weird stuff, I wonder what the Retros would say, since they don't have any 'friendly' speech. ;)

BTW, I thought killing pirates was a good thing since it improves your status with merchants and hunters. Possibly Confed and militia, too. I'll have to check your table out when I get the time.
That is correct, and it's in my table too.

You just misinterpreted what I wrote earlier, since I didn't word it very well. Killing Pirates is great if you want to be friends with Bounty Hunters, Confed, Militia, and Merchants...but not if you want to be friends with everyone including the Pirates.

One thing I used to wonder was what happens if you kill some Pirates and some Bounty Hunters/Confed/Militia/Merchants and balance it out. And according to my table doing that will eventually make them all your enemy so it doesn't work. :) The only way to befriend everyone it seems is to kill many Retros.

If you want to see what friendly Retros say, just edit your savegame file. From DOS type "debug XXXX.sav" and type d <enter> and on the right there will be some words PLAYSCOR. Uh, well it's hard to explain nevermind. Hopefully you already know how to do this. :) Anyway just fill all the fields sort of after PLAYSCOR with 00 40 00 40 00 40...hard to explain and you have to know exactly where to start and stop. Oh well.

Anyway the only thing you can say to the Retros is This Attitude Not Possible and all they say back is This Attitude Not Possible. The Steltek Drone is the same, except it won't reply at all. Some Retros are different, and you can tell them "Free all Pot Prisoners" but they never reply with anything. The Steltek Scout, if friendly and not in the storyline mission (you need to cheat to bring him out...for me he is my wingman) will always say This Needs To Be Written, and you message him with This Needs To Be Written. Haha. But I edited my OBJECTS.TRE file so the Retros and Scout say whatever I want.

Other things I've done with my Privateer game are edit the SPACE.TRE file so that I am the new ruler of System DN-N1912. My Centurion lives on their Pleasure Planet, except that while in space it looks like a Steltek Derelict Base. And the whole system is populated by armies of Steltek Drones and Scouts, usually 8 total ships at each navpoint. Contrary to a internet textfile I downloaded from CIC, you can put as many ships as you want at an navpoint. The only thing is that the game will crash if the action gets too intense. If buff ships with many guns and missiles are going to be fighting at a navpoint, try not to put more than 8 ships there. If everyone is going to be friendly with each other, and you don't plan on starting a fight with them yourself you can afford to put probably 20 ships at a navpoint hehe.
Originally posted by Porcupine
Anyway the only thing you can say to the Retros is This Attitude Not Possible and all they say back is This Attitude Not Possible. The Steltek Drone is the same, except it won't reply at all. Some Retros are different, and you can tell them "Free all Pot Prisoners" but they never reply with anything. The Steltek Scout, if friendly and not in the storyline mission (you need to cheat to bring him out...for me he is my wingman) will always say This Needs To Be Written, and you message him with This Needs To Be Written. Haha. But I edited my OBJECTS.TRE file so the Retros and Scout say whatever I want.

I take it they don't really say it when you have the speech pack but you only get the message line at the bottom, correct?

Nice idea with the own system ;)