Rear Admiral
Well i was wondering if there was any way that the joystick sensitivity can be turned down especially in 4 and one. im fine with it but when showing new people the game it seems to be the biggest complaint
[url=]DosBox Wiki[/url] said:sensitivity = 1..1000
Mouse sensitivity.
Default is 100.
(since 0.??)
-dead_zone=# Increase or decrease the dead zone for greater
joystick precision. By default, the dead zone is
1. Using a value of 0 will turn the dead zone
off, and using a value of 3 will make the game
respond similar to the DOS version.
For example, -dead_zone=0 will turn off the dead zone.
To use command line parameters, you will need to change your shortcut
on the desktop before running the game.
1 Right-click on the Wing Commander IV icon
2 Click Properties
3 Click Shortcut
4 Depending on where you installed the game, the Target line
should read something similar to "c:\wc4\wc4w.exe"
5 Add parameters (with a space between them) on the Target line
after "c:\wc4\wc4w.exe".
For example, "c:\wc4\wc4w.exe -dead_zone=0 -no_interlace"