Wing Commander - Defiant Few (New Audio Series)

Hello all, sorry for the long silence. Episode 3 has been victim to Murphy's law beyond all reason, however editing is now well underway and you can expect episode 3 during the upcoming week.
At last, episode 3 is done.

Sorry for the long wait. There've been no end of delays and mishaps with this episode from start to finish. Once again I must extend my compliments to my team who've stuck with the project throughout said delays and mishaps, and continue to offer their hard work and quality voices to it. Thanks guys.

Thanks also to everyone who's listened to and commented on Defiant Few thus far. I'll do what I can to make sure you don't have to wait so long for episode 4.

As ever, headphone users should beware of loud moments.

Downloadable MP3 version:
YouTube version:

Ok, now I can do this properly.

Downloadable MP3 version:

YouTube version:

Easy access to previous episodes can be found here:

Apologies, again, that this one took so long to get done. Between the sizable number of voice actors, busy schedules, 4thSA's other shows, holidays and the inevitable diseases, I fear lengthy waits between releases are going to wind up being an inevitability.

Once again, thanks to everyone who starred in this episode for their hard work and thanks to everyone who's listened thus far.
Been a while since I did one of these. First off, I’d just like to thank everyone who voted for Defiant Few for fan project of 2013, your support is greatly appreciated and I’m hoping to make 2014 a far more productive year for the series and to that end, I have in the works a special, stand alone episode which looks into the back-story of some of the protagonists. There are a number of roles available, both male and female, for anyone who'd like to audition.

(Rest assured, episode 5 remains of the show-proper remains in the works as well.)

Please record all auditions in either MP3 or WAV format and send them to

Deadline for all auditions is February 27th.

Casting Call for Wing Commander: Defiant Few – Back-story Episode

Synopsis: Stationed on the border of two star faring nations on the edge of war, the Terran Confederation carrier TCS Gallant is given the dubious task of safeguarding the lives of Confederation citizens in the core worlds of the Enigma sector by expanding said border.

Male roles

‘Harry’ – A minor role. Harry is a Border Worlds pilot, presumptuous and arrogant.

Audition lines:

  1. These fascists aren’t going to listen to reason.
  2. You’ll never conquer us. We’ll fight you to the last.

‘Cudgel’ – A minor role. ‘Cudgel’ is a Confed pilot, bellicose and argumentative.

Audition lines:

  1. Why the hell are we listening to this? These are the bastards who killed our people.
  2. Hey, someone get this Border Rat of my tail.

William – Minor role, Confed academy cadet. No distinctive personality traits.

Audition lines:

  1. This isn’t the Kilrathi fleet at Freya this time is it? Just outdated pre-war relics.
  2. Well, whilst I’m here I might as well give you the news from my end, of which there’s not much.

1st Lieutenant O’Keeffe – A Confed pilot. No distinctive personality traits.

Audition lines:

  1. We count fifty fighters in total, and the carrier itself is one of the old Yorktown class.
  2. They haven’t said anything about that yet sir.

Female roles

1st Lieutenant Rachel ‘Pomegranate’ Riney – A pilot onboard the Gallant;quick witted, outspoken, opinionated and slightly insane. An aloof nature hides an extreme sense of protectiveness for her ship and fellow pilots.

Audition lines:

  1. You can't stay mad at me. You've never been able to.
  2. We’ve taken out two of the Sabers, but five Banshees followed us back. Requesting backup.

Colonel Eliza ‘Raven’ Lainey – A pilot onboard the BWS Guardian, she is predominantly professional and serious. She’s the kind who’ll strive to avoid a conflict, but won’t pull any punches if that fails.

Audition lines:

  1. You and your ships are trespassing in a Border World’s system Captain. I will ask you to withdraw immediately.
  2. Captain Allenby is dead, so is our first officer and most of the bridge staff. We took a torpedo to the bridge during a fight with a Confed destroyer. I am in effective command of the Guardian.

Male or Female roles:

‘Stoat’ – A Confed pilot, young and excitable.

Audition lines:

  1. Cutter just downed an Avenger on the way in to land Colonel.
  2. Woah, sorry Cutter, have to evade.

‘Cutter’ – Another Confed pilot, quasi-stoic, businesslike

Audition lines:

  1. Colonel, I’m detecting five Saber class fighters launching from the Guardian.
  2. They must have been prepping another bomber for launch, or in the middle of refuelling a fighter.

Admiral Mittelmark – Minor role, he is a Confed Admiral. Somewhat aristocratic and weasely.

Audition lines:

  1. You and your people have my condolences for the ships and lives lost in this... senseless act of provocation
  2. We are not at war yet. However that fact is nothing but a technicality.

Com Officer – Communications officer onboard the TCS Gallant. His or her lines are all related to their work, no personality traits required.

Audition lines:

  1. Sir, we’ve just had a string of messages forwarded to us from sector command
  2. Captain Metcalfe, cruisers Waterloo and Arizona are now thirty seconds from the jump point.
Hello all, after another lengthy wait (sorry... sorry.) allow me to present Wing Commander Defiant Few: Episode 5. Once again I'm having to sneak this in during a break at work so I can't elaborate as much as I'd like... which considering my rambling nature may in fact be a blessing.

Hope you all enjoy.

Downloadable MP3 version:

(YouTube version)
I appreciate that this reveal is both superfluous and late, but there were some who seemed to think Tuesday's upload actually was episode 5 so, just for the record:


  • perry... sort of.jpg
    perry... sort of.jpg
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I appreciate that this reveal is both superfluous and late, but there were some who seemed to think Tuesday's upload actually was episode 5 so, just for the record:

Hehe yeah... I wrote the update on the 31st... But then we didn't feel it fit quite right with the theme of the other April 1st updates. I wasn't around when it was posted so I was kinda surprised it hadn't been edited.
Hehe yeah... I wrote the update on the 31st... But then we didn't feel it fit quite right with the theme of the other April 1st updates. I wasn't around when it was posted so I was kinda surprised it hadn't been edited.

Everyone expects the April 1 slate to be a joke... but on April 2, you might catch a few people off guard. :)
We're not dead! *Dies*

Apologies, I would explain the lengthy, year-long absence, but I'm afraid I've worn my brain down getting this episode finished at last, so I crave your indulgence if I just fling the episode at you and slink away somewhere to pass out. (Suffice it to say, we had far more than our fair share of bad luck, for over a year.)

(Downloadable MP3 version to follow.)