Wing Commander Armada...


We need more multiplayer Wing Commander games... :)

i wish armada would run in windows and play over tcpip...

anyone else feel this way... :)


BTW i am new here... :)
Well first of all, we need a NEW WC game... This game should IMO stick to the tradition and have a great Single player plot, in the first place therefore being a SP game. Multiplayer should be implemented, but not be the most important thing of the game.

Then, there should also be a game called Privateer Online. If the designers could cleverly improve the ideas that made Privateer so great, this could evolve to be the greatest Space Sim ever made...
A new WC game is long, long overdue! We can only hope they will develop one soon. Shure would be nice to have that feeling of anticipation like it was when the new ones were announced! The wait continues!

after reading through some of the other threads on the board...

i think they need to make one that is a mix of genres ...

take the online RPG and mix it with a little space combat...

have missions or quests that propel you down a coarse... mutiple races(some good some bad) the privateer{guild) mix to build and outfit your ship... as well as a join the military(guild) option for those that want to go that route...

i think it could make it fun... especially if we can get some homeworlds with bars and stuff to interact with real people as well as npcs...

i guess we(the people) should tell origin what we want so maybe they will build it...

anyone else like these ideas...

Originally posted by Knightrous
after reading through some of the other threads on the board...

i think they need to make one that is a mix of genres ...

take the online RPG and mix it with a little space combat...

have missions or quests that propel you down a coarse... mutiple races(some good some bad) the privateer{guild) mix to build and outfit your ship... as well as a join the military(guild) option for those that want to go that route...

i think it could make it fun... especially if we can get some homeworlds with bars and stuff to interact with real people as well as npcs...

i guess we(the people) should tell origin what we want so maybe they will build it...

anyone else like these ideas...


this was discuessed in the if you could design a wing commander game thread. i think somthing like that would satisfy most of the ppl here.
A revamped Armada would be great. you should be able to build capships and everything a bit more detailed.A pure multiplayer flying WC would not be soo flashy, IMHO.
I would agree with a full blown MMP type game, but one should be made to the likes of what Privateer Online would have been. But the single play games should have MP capability to them as well, but not sacrifice the quality of the single play. Maybe create one to the likes of both Academy and Armada, where in Academy, you make your own missions from scratch with MP capability!


[Edited by RFBurns on 04-27-2001 at 16:12]
Wcuniverse is multiplayer, and Hellcatv plans to make a multiplayer Armada game after wc universe is finished.
I wouldn't mind a multiplayer-focused game...s'long as it had a coherent plot and an elementry single-player mode, a la Quake III. I'm not sure what it says that I never play multiplayer...:)

The ideal type of this is what I call "WC Everquest". 'Nuff said. :)

It'd be interesting to see what a new Armada game would look like. Would it still have the same mix of stratagy and blowing things up? Would it still take place on a 2d board, so to speak? Most important, would it run on my 166? ^_^

Ah well...I've always leaned towards a game where you command entire fleets from your cockpit against hordes of bandits. I liked this idea so much I wrote my own missions for the alpha of Vega Strike where you pilot a Bengal against dozens of cats. Dang, those Dralthi are tougher thab I thought!
Originally posted by Bob McDob
.. as it had a coherent plot and an elementry single-player mode, a la Quake III.

Quake III, coherent plot, Single player (if you count the BOTS)
jjajajajajajajajajajaja :p
Quake III, coherent plot, Single player (if you count the BOTS)
jjajajajajajajajajajaja :p

Er, well, maybe not a coherent plot, but it did have a single player mode. With bots. I like bots. :)

ANyway, I'd pay for a WC "MassivlyMultiplayer" game, if it had a Powerful Mission Editor and three hundred flyable ships. ^_^ And bots. I like bots.
Hmmm, for some reason I think you like bots:) Well for a massive multiplayer game i think they would still need a bunch of non player characters (or ships in this case) so there are your bots. And for training tutorials and single player stuff before you go online.
I am in favor of a Traditional WC with a multiplayer element, where lets say a few peeps could get together and play through a variant of the sp camaign taking the roles of different characters
I'm pretty against MMO's in general, like i've said a few times before. Stupid people tend to ruin them.

I'd much prefer a single player WC game, with a nice multiplayer feature. Like Tachyon's multiplayer. That was (is) sweeet.