Wing Commander Academy request.


I was just wondering if any one here could provide info on the storylines of several episodes of WC Academy.As I have not realy seen the following:

The Last One Left.I know that it has something to do with a renegade guy,but could someone elaborate a little.

Recreation:I did see part of it ,but it was a long time ago. Could someone explain why that alien was trying to destroy that planet.Was he trying to destroy the planet?Did the Oasians have spaceflight technology?

On both your houses.Never saw the episode.So could someone give a story description.

Invisible Fighter.I know that it has to do with stealth fighters ,however, a little more in depth description would be appreciated.

Recreation was a weird episode. That alien guy appeared on a few different cartoon shows on USA that day, searching for that thing. I know he was in at least Mortal Kombat and WCA. I think something else too.

Anyway, he's cryogenically frozen, get's thawed, kicks the crap out of the Tigers Claw Crew, goes to a planet, and gets an orb. That's pretty much it.
Ladiesman, it's bothering when you can sum up a whole episode (or movie, though some movies these days really are THAT bad - HEY, any come to mind!? (and no, I'm not actually thinking of WCM bion)) in just a short sentance :)