Where to start

Flame war

Well I intend to match everyone's expectations.
I wasn't asking for anyone to make it. I can make ikt on my own, all I was saying was I could use some help.

I do not mind useing an older game engine and stretching it's limits to make it work and I do not mind if I have to make my own. I have been looking at the VegaStrike engine and while it is a huge project. I have not even got the planning done yet. I just thought this fansite deserved the option of being included in every aspect of the game. That way their is less of a chance I might miss something.

I know I will not produce a perfect game (that is a myth, like an honest politician). And granted a lot of fans started a project and stopped abruptly, but that's not what I Will DO.
I have yet to look into the Standoff series or unknown enemy. They might be just right for this project. they might not but as the one who is actually going to be doing the project I will decide.

Now that I got that out of my system who will join me?
and you guy's flame war makes for some good reading.
My point was precisely that saying "I will finish this game! Join me!" is not enough to make you seem worth joining. If you expect your project to enlist people who have anything worthwhile to offer you, you have to give them more, because these people know a project like this requires more. They have seen enthusiasm alone amount to nothing a thousand times before. If you're just starting out and still don't have anything to show for your work, that's perfectly understandable, but it also means there's no reason why anyone would be impressed or willing to commit to helping you at this point.

Also, we don't have flame wars on these forums.
Now that I got that out of my system who will join me?

The issue is that someone drops in out of the blue every other week with a proposal like this and then promptly disappears. There's not people out there reading this thinking "this time, Waxman's gonna be the one to do it!" As Eder was getting at, the projects that attract volunteers are the ones with something material to show off first.

and you guy's flame war makes for some good reading.

This thread is about a billion miles away from a "flame war."
Now that I got that out of my system who will join me?

Afraid I can't, Flight Commander is my area, not VegaStrike. It'd probably be best asking for help at the VegaStrike portal/forum/thingy if that's the route your going to take.
I want a stand alone.
I could tell it wasn't a flame war as I wrote, I wrot it to get a chuckle out of people.

I understand you want to see something. I really do. I have my own forums for the game. It is going slow, I am currently writing for four other titles. But I have put it all up for you to dee the little bit I have so far.

Ithe link to the website is http://www.mercnetstudios.com it is not complete.
the forums are located at http://www.mercnetstudios.com/Brokenwords
That's not what I meant,
I do not wish for my game to require another download just to run.

Flight commander and standoff require the Secretopsfull to be installed to run,
Vegastrike might also, probably does I haven't had time to check yet still writing and not codeing yet but what if that goes away and I make the game. My game would be outof my control.
That's not what I meant,
I do not wish for my game to require another download just to run.

Flight commander and standoff require the Secretopsfull to be installed to run,
Vegastrike might also, probably does I haven't had time to check yet still writing and not codeing yet but what if that goes away and I make the game. My game would be outof my control.

I highly doubt the SO starter package will disappear, especially considering all 7 episodes are now free to download from the CIC.
That's not what I meant,
I do not wish for my game to require another download just to run.

Flight commander and standoff require the Secretopsfull to be installed to run,
Vegastrike might also, probably does I haven't had time to check yet still writing and not codeing yet but what if that goes away and I make the game. My game would be outof my control.

If vegastrike does then I will use the flight commander source. Ore I might just do a total conversion off Freelancer to my universe.

Oh and I forgot to give a full link to my forums, my bad, the ling is http://www.mercnetstudios.com/Brokenwords/phpBB3/index.php

Ore, really Ore. Sheesh excuse me I had a Brain Fart:o

Start using the edit button. You have two hours after you post so unless there's some reason for it like having waited two hours or replying to different people in an instance where a new post would improve the clarity of the subject.

FLight Commander is a standalone project.
That's not what I meant,
I do not wish for my game to require another download just to run.

Flight commander and standoff require the Secretopsfull to be installed to run,
Vegastrike might also, probably does I haven't had time to check yet still writing and not codeing yet but what if that goes away and I make the game. My game would be outof my control.

Like AD said, Flight Commander is standalone and you can make a standalone game with it (which I'm pretty sure I've said already).
Where are these people coming from? First the guy looking for some part of an AK-47 and now this?

Little too much holiday cheer....
Where are these people coming from? First the guy looking for some part of an AK-47 and now this?

Little too much holiday cheer....

Nah, It's the same guy, who I'm banning. It just took this long for him to finally put a spam link in his signature.

Thanks for the advice, and the option to use software. I have been absent to say the least. This project has been put on the back burner for now, writing being all that's done.
When I resume it will be a completely new and fresh project done from scratch. Not looking for volunteers right now.

I can release the Title, Broken Worlds

Please discuss, I will read your ideas, your comments, and your suggestions.