What is your dream fleet?

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If you could choose any amount of ships from any universe what would they be and what would you name your flagship?

Vesuvius-center battle group
Rangers-secondary backup carriers
Soverign-heavy cruisers
Warlocks-battleships (just in case :))
Warlock would be my flagship-Aggamemnon.
Hmm.. I think that good fleet would be one seen in Freespace2 cinematics.
*Golossus-class battleship as the flagship
*2xHatsheput-class destroyers
*Orion-class or Hecate-class destroyer
*3-5 Deimos corvettes

Alltough Wing Commander ships are good, the FS ships are better, atleast I think so...
1: Death Star
2: Vesuvius Class Carriers
4: Exocarriers
8: ST Soverign
12: Concorida Class Fleet Carriers
24: Plunketts
48: Omega Destroyers
100: Behemoths
200: Defiant Class

[Edited by Napoleon on 02-19-2001 at 13:32]
Do you mean the Death Star I or II?
For me a normal carrier and one or two of the Sunhammers would be enough...then you won't need any fleet.
For me it's:

1 Vesuvius or Midway Class Carrier (Center of the fleet)
2 Concordia Class Carriers (Back-up Carriers)
3 Plunket Class Cruisers (The gunships)
7 Murphy Class Destroyers (defenders of the carriers)
2 Hades Class Cruisers (for quick strike/raides)

That would be a great battlegroup.
1 Death Star II - Main Attack
1 Death Star I (reoutfitted) - Secondary Command ship orbtting DSII
9 Sovereign class SSD - Carriers
7 Super 2 class SD (I Designed these) - Cruisers
1 Super 3 class SC (This too) - Command Ship
45 Carrack Cruisers - Surroundign S3SD
900 Interdictors - Escort
7900 Nebulon B - Randomly Scattered
2300 Correllian Corvettes - Secondary Escort
3400 Correllian Gunships - Front Line
millions of TIEs and other Fighters (like Skiprays and Scimitar bombers and Gunships)
And 90000 Imperial 2 and Victory 2 Star Destroyers
and 4 Vesuvius class Carriers
9 Concordia class Carriers

Lets see those Republic foold beat this.
Originally posted by iCe
For me it's:

1 Vesuvius or Midway Class Carrier (Center of the fleet)
2 Concordia Class Carriers (Back-up Carriers)
3 Plunket Class Cruisers (The gunships)
7 Murphy Class Destroyers (defenders of the carriers)
2 Hades Class Cruisers (for quick strike/raides)

That would be a great battlegroup.

How about adding the Confed equivalent of a Kraken
or a Narwhal, once they figure out the technology?


Brian P.
Once they got the Midway able to do the same as an Kraken, it's ok. But since there was only 1 Behemoth, i guess they didn't take the effort to make a few more after the war. Never drop a winning formula.
Originally posted by Antman
they wont, cause my deth starz blew up erth

You can't have any Death Stars because both of them were blown up hehe. And btw, it would cost more then your pocket money to construct one.
Originally posted by Antman
they wont, cause my deth starz blew up erth
Are you responding to me, or to someone else?

If to me -- well, yes, so you blew up Earth. You didn't,
however, catch the cloaked evacuation ships(project "Aeneas") which have settled on a distant world in a far galaxy.

As to your massive fleet -- well, let's cut to the scene:

Helmeted guy: Hey! Look! I've just downloaded the latest
version of Quake 9000 off the web from a warez site!

Assistant: Cool! We'll fire it right up!
[They download the software onto their control stations.
As the game begins, they hardly notice a RRUMBLE in
the background]

Imperial Officer: Governor! The main armament is activating!
Governor: WHAT!?? Oh, shit, it's aiming at the death star
I! Warn them!
[A helmeted officer calls up the communications console,
but his hand has just touched the controls when a brilliant
green beam lashes out. KA-BOOM!]

Officer: I think .. we just lost the Death Star one ..
Sir! The weapons are re-targeting the rest of the

[SCENE: Outer Space]
Chaos ensues as all capital ships which downloaded the
virus -- some half the vessels -- begin to attack
those which are yet unaffected. Every now and then one
of the unaffected ships will 'turn' and begin attacking its own. Within the vessels a horrible war is being fought between the human occupants,virus-affected droids, and ship computers gone
mad. Stormtroopers are suddenly vented into space. Corridors are closed off by clouds of steam and radioactive gas. On some ships, control is regained only by shutting
down all software and machinery throughout the ship, disabling the vessel. And, ever and anon, the scene is
punctuated by a brilliant green flash from the death star, which is also suffering as virus-affected star destroyers
Kamikaze dive directly into it.

We'll come back in awhile and see how your fleet's doing :).


Brian P.
I said MY Death Star, not the Empires. IM NOT THE EMPIRE, I AM ANTMAN!!!! And im well aware that they destroyed Alderaan, not Earth. Read what this post is about first. It's MY Fleet, so i chooes who it kills.
Anywayz. that story is fake, they ddnt get Quake 9000, they got Team Fortress 2! And it wasnt warez, either... also, I had interdictors, so know ships could actually leave the system.
Then you have a lot to learn my friend. In a war time folks don't decide who attacks what.

You think the germans found it funny to let there territory be inavade for a change ?
All my ships are together, and I am revered for my military prowess, and no, your evecuation craft crashed into my fleet, and he few survivors were decloaked and atacked by millions of TIEs.
But i feel the force, and call upon MY eye of palpatine and the sun crusher and i will kick yer anus.
My dream fleet would consist of 1,000 Midway class carriers, each holding a full compliment of Vampire and Panther fighter wings. Supported by 500 Vesuvius Class carriers with full load of Dragon fighters. Oh and each Midway class carrier would be loaded up with that fancy jewel, the Plasma gun!


"Now is your time to die!" [Bugs, WCP/SO]
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