what is up with kilrathi shields???

ok this is really weird im just wondering if it is kilrathi torpedoes or or confed. shields either way............ok i watched the movie and counted EXACTLY 7 frontside torpedos that hit the TCS Tiger Claw........it takes 2 friken 2 frontside torpedos to take out 1 destroyer not to count the number of bullets that hit the tigers claw......i mean its just wrong.........cool but wrong.........
Well, for starters, a destroyer is a lot smaller than a carrier. Maybe they use light torpedoes like in Prophecy.
*shakes head*
The Kilrathi capital ship must have been firing heavies.
On the technological side, don't forget about the skipper torp.
If I remember correctly, the skipper torp came after the heavy torp.

And yeah, you were right. But actually, the Tiger Claw had fired 8 sideline torps from her port side near the end.

Realistically, the Tiger Claw should not have survived; especially against heavies.
Oh and uhh... don't forget about the Kat bombers... >
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